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Last active April 15, 2019 21:43
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#A Beginners Guide to Git
##Why Use A Version Control System? (VSC)
**Git** is a *Version Contol System*, which is a system that allows you to save your work along various points of making changes in your document, saving each version as its own entity.
##Git Commands
*git init - initialize git in a directory
julianenochs~/notes$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/julianenochs/notes/.git/
*git status - see what git is tracking and the status of its files
*git add - add your file to the staging area
*git commit - take a snapshot of your work at this time
*git diff - show the difference in work from the last commit
GitHub is the remote location of your `repository`. ![git diagram](
3 terms to know are:
1. origin
2. git push
3. git pull
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