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Created October 28, 2019 08:41
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ServerException Kotlin Version
import retrofit2.Response
import retrofit2.Retrofit
import timber.log.Timber
class ServerException internal constructor(
message: String?,
* The request URL which produced the error.
val url: String?,
* Response object containing status code, headers, body, etc.
val response: Response<*>?,
* The event kind which triggered this error.
val kind: Kind,
exception: Throwable?,
* The Retrofit this request was executed on.
private val retrofit: Retrofit?
) : RuntimeException(message, exception) {
public var serverError: SilenceServerError? = null
* Identifies the event kind which triggered a [ServerException].
enum class Kind {
* An [IOException] occurred while communicating to the server.
* A non-200 HTTP status code was received from the server.
* An internal error occurred while attempting to execute a request. It is best practice to
* re-throw this exception so your application crashes.
init {
if (response != null) {
try {
serverError = getErrorBodyAs(
} catch (exception: IOException) {
* HTTP response body converted to specified `type`. `null` if there is no
* response.
* @throws IOException if unable to convert the body to the specified `type`.
fun <T> getErrorBodyAs(type: Class<T>): T? {
if (response?.errorBody() == null) {
return null
val converter = retrofit?.responseBodyConverter<T>(type,
return converter?.convert(response.errorBody()!!)
companion object {
fun httpError(url: String, response: Response<*>, retrofit: Retrofit): ServerException {
val message = response.code().toString() + " " + response.message()
return ServerException(message, url, response, Kind.HTTP, null, retrofit)
fun networkError(exception: IOException): ServerException {
return ServerException(exception.message, null, null, Kind.NETWORK, exception, null)
fun unexpectedError(exception: Throwable): ServerException {
return ServerException(exception.message, null, null, Kind.UNEXPECTED, exception, null)
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