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Created November 14, 2018 13:27
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Matrix class with custom iterators
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
struct Dims
unsigned int rows;
unsigned int colums;
unsigned int size;
template <typename T, unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
struct Matrix
struct line_iterator
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using self_type = line_iterator;
using difference_type = unsigned int;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag ;
line_iterator(pointer ptr, difference_type width) : _ptr(ptr), _width(width) {}
self_type operator++() { _ptr += _width; return *this; }
self_type operator--() { _ptr -= _width; return *this; }
self_type operator--(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr -= _width; return i; }
self_type operator++(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr += _width; return i; }
reference operator*() const { return *_ptr; }
pointer operator->() const { return _ptr; }
self_type operator=(const self_type& other) { _ptr = other._ptr; return *this; }
bool operator==(const self_type &rhs) const { return rhs._ptr == _ptr; }
bool operator!=(const self_type &rhs) const { return rhs._ptr != _ptr; }
pointer _ptr;
difference_type _width;
struct iterator
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using self_type = iterator;
using difference_type = unsigned int;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag ;
iterator(pointer ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {}
self_type operator++() { _ptr++; return *this; }
self_type operator--() { _ptr--; return *this; }
self_type operator++(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr++; return i; }
self_type operator--(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr--; return i; }
self_type operator-(int i) { return _ptr - i; }
reference operator*() const { return *_ptr; }
pointer operator->() const { return _ptr; }
self_type operator=(const self_type& other) { _ptr = other._ptr; return *this; }
bool operator==(const self_type &rhs) const { return rhs._ptr == _ptr; }
bool operator!=(const self_type &rhs) const { return rhs._ptr != _ptr; }
pointer _ptr;
class const_iterator
typedef const_iterator self_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
const_iterator(pointer ptr) : _ptr(ptr) { }
self_type operator++() { _ptr++; return *this; }
self_type operator--() { _ptr--; return *this; }
self_type operator++(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr++; return i; }
self_type operator--(int junk) { self_type i = *this; _ptr--; return i; }
const value_type& operator*() const { return *_ptr; }
const value_type* operator->() const { return _ptr; }
bool operator==(const self_type& rhs) const { return _ptr == rhs._ptr; }
bool operator!=(const self_type& rhs) const { return _ptr != rhs._ptr; }
pointer _ptr;
Matrix(const std::array<T, M*N> m)
: _matrix(new T[M * N])
auto mit = m.begin();
auto it = this->begin();
while(mit != m.end())
*it = *mit;
mit++; ++it;
_dims.rows = M;
_dims.colums = N;
_dims.size = M * N;
if (_matrix)
delete [] _matrix;
iterator begin()
return iterator(_matrix);
const_iterator cbegin() const
return const_iterator(_matrix);
line_iterator lbegin()
return line_iterator(_matrix, _dims.rows);
iterator end()
return iterator(_matrix + size());
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator(_matrix + size());
line_iterator lend()
return line_iterator(_matrix + size(), _dims.rows);
unsigned int size() const
return _dims.size;
T& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col)
return _matrix[N * row + col];
const T& at(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const
return _matrix[N * row + col];
const T& matrix() const
return matrix;
const Dims& dims() const
return _dims;
Dims _dims;
T *_matrix;
template <typename T, unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Matrix<T, M, N> &m)
auto it = m.cbegin();
while (it != m.cend()) {
if (std::distance(it, m.cend()) % m.dims().rows == 0 && it != m.cbegin()) os << "\n";
os << *(it++) << " ";
os << "\n";
int main()
Matrix<float, 10, 10> m({1., 2., 3., 1., 2., 3.});
std::cout << m;
auto l = m.lbegin();
while (l != m.lend())
std::cout << *(l++) << std::endl;
return 0;
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