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Last active April 13, 2021 01:17
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Parse in chromosome arm intervals from cytoBand.txt supplied with a reference build
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
_chrmap = dict(zip(["chr" + str(x) for x in list(range(1, 23)) + ["X", "Y"]], range(1, 25)))
def parse_cytoband(cytoband):
cband = pd.read_csv(cytoband, sep = "\t", names = ["chr", "start", "end", "band", "stain"])
cband["chr"] = cband["chr"].apply(lambda x : _chrmap[x])
chrs = cband["chr"].unique()
ints = dict(zip(chrs, [{0} for _ in range(0, len(chrs))]))
last_end = None
last_stain = None
last_chrom = None
for _, chrom, start, end, _, stain in cband.itertuples():
if start == 0:
if last_end is not None:
if stain == "acen" and last_stain != "acen":
if stain != "acen" and last_stain == "acen":
last_end = end
last_stain = stain
last_chrom = chrom
CI = np.full([len(ints), 4], 0)
for c in chrs:
CI[c - 1, :] = sorted(ints[c])
return pd.DataFrame(
np.c_[np.tile(np.c_[np.r_[1:25]], [1, 2]).reshape(-1, 1), CI.reshape(-1, 2)],
columns = ["chr", "start", "end"]
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