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Created November 17, 2016 17:47
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Enhance Akka LengthFieldFramingStage to collect additional data whilst frames are built
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import akka.NotUsed
import{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet}
import{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, InHandler, OutHandler}
import akka.util.{ByteIterator, ByteString}
object FramingStage {
private final val bigEndianDecoder: (ByteIterator, Int) ⇒ Int = (bs, length) ⇒ {
var count = length
var decoded = 0
while (count > 0) {
decoded <<= 8
decoded |= & 0xFF
count -= 1
private final val littleEndianDecoder: (ByteIterator, Int) ⇒ Int = (bs, length) ⇒ {
val highestOctet = (length - 1) << 3
val Mask = ((1L << (length << 3)) - 1).toInt
var count = length
var decoded = 0
while (count > 0) {
decoded >>>= 8
decoded += ( & 0xFF) << highestOctet
count -= 1
decoded & Mask
* Creates a Flow that decodes an incoming stream of unstructured byte chunks into a stream of frames, assuming that
* incoming frames have a field that encodes their length.
* If the input stream finishes before the last frame has been fully decoded this Flow will fail the stream reporting
* a truncated frame.
* @param fieldLength The length of the "size" field in bytes
* @param fieldOffset The offset of the field from the beginning of the frame in bytes
* @param maximumFrameLength The maximum length of allowed frames while decoding. If the maximum length is exceeded
* this Flow will fail the stream. This length *includes* the header (i.e the offset and
* the length of the size field)
* @param byteOrder The ''ByteOrder'' to be used when decoding the field
def lengthField(
fieldLength: Int,
fieldOffset: Int = 0,
maximumFrameLength: Int,
byteOrder: ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] =
lengthField[ByteString, Boolean, ByteString](
fieldLength, fieldOffset, maximumFrameLength, byteOrder,
identity, _ ⇒ false, (_, _) ⇒ false, (_, bs) ⇒ bs)
* Creates a Flow that decodes an incoming stream of messages containing unstructured byte chunks into a stream of
* frames, assuming that incoming frames have a field that encodes their length. The additional data in the messages
* can be aggregated as required and an aggregate value output when the frames have been formed. For example, if the
* incoming messages contained a receipt timestamp with the data chunk, this can be used to out put the decoded data
* along with the timestamp the first chunk was received. Similarly, this can be used to associate an ip address
* with each messgae.
* If the input stream finishes before the last frame has been fully decoded this Flow will fail the stream reporting
* a truncated frame.
* @param fieldLength The length of the "size" field in bytes
* @param fieldOffset The offset of the field from the beginning of the frame in bytes
* @param maximumFrameLength The maximum length of allowed frames while decoding. If the maximum length is exceeded
* this Flow will fail the stream. This length *includes* the header (i.e the offset and
* the length of the size field)
* @param byteOrder The ''ByteOrder'' to be used when decoding the field
* @param extractor Extracts the ByteString data from the message
* @param seed Provides the first state for an aggregated value using the first message for each frame as a start
* @param aggregate Takes the currently aggregated value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate
* @param finish Once the current frame is completed, combines the data with the aggregate
* @tparam In the type of the incoming elements
* @tparam Agg the type of the aggregate to build whilst forming a frame
* @tparam Out the type of the outgoing elements
def lengthField[In, Agg, Out](
fieldLength: Int,
fieldOffset: Int,
maximumFrameLength: Int,
byteOrder: ByteOrder,
extractor: In ⇒ ByteString,
seed: In ⇒ Agg,
aggregate: (Agg, In) ⇒ Agg,
finish: (Agg, ByteString) ⇒ Out): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] = {
require(fieldLength >= 1 && fieldLength <= 4, "Length field length must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
Flow[In].via(new LengthFieldFramingStage[In, Agg, Out](
fieldLength, fieldOffset, maximumFrameLength, byteOrder,
extractor, seed, aggregate, finish))
* This is an extended version of the Akka lib stage which allows additional
* data to be tracked with the incoming data packets e.g. timestamps, connection
* information etc.
final class LengthFieldFramingStage[In, Agg, Out](
val lengthFieldLength: Int,
val lengthFieldOffset: Int,
val maximumFrameLength: Int,
val byteOrder: ByteOrder,
val extractor: In ⇒ ByteString,
val seed: In ⇒ Agg,
val aggregate: (Agg, In) ⇒ Agg,
val finish: (Agg, ByteString) ⇒ Out) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[In, Out]] {
private val minimumChunkSize = lengthFieldOffset + lengthFieldLength
private val intDecoder = byteOrder match {
case ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN ⇒ bigEndianDecoder
case ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN ⇒ littleEndianDecoder
private val in = Inlet[In]("")
private val out = Outlet[Out]("LengthFieldFramingStage.out")
override val shape: FlowShape[In, Out] = FlowShape(in, out)
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
new GraphStageLogic(shape) with InHandler with OutHandler {
private var buffer = ByteString.empty
private var frameSize = Int.MaxValue
private var agg: Agg = null.asInstanceOf[Agg]
* push, and reset frameSize and buffer
private def pushFrame(el: In) = {
val emit = buffer.take(frameSize).compact
buffer = buffer.drop(frameSize)
frameSize = Int.MaxValue
val ac = agg
agg = if (buffer.isEmpty) null.asInstanceOf[Agg] else seed(el)
push(out, finish(ac, emit))
if (buffer.isEmpty && isClosed(in)) {
* try to push downstream, if failed then try to pull upstream
private def tryPushFrame(el: In) = {
val buffSize = buffer.size
if (buffSize >= frameSize) {
else if (buffSize >= minimumChunkSize) {
val parsedLength = intDecoder(buffer.iterator.drop(lengthFieldOffset), lengthFieldLength)
frameSize = parsedLength + minimumChunkSize
if (frameSize > maximumFrameLength) {
failStage(new FramingException(s"Maximum allowed frame size is $maximumFrameLength but decoded frame header reported size $frameSize"))
else if (buffSize >= frameSize) {
else tryPull()
else tryPull()
private def tryPull() = {
if (isClosed(in)) {
failStage(new FramingException("Stream finished but there was a truncated final frame in the buffer"))
else pull(in)
override def onPush(): Unit = {
val el = grab(in)
buffer ++= extractor(el)
agg = if (agg == null) seed(el) else aggregate(agg, el)
override def onPull(): Unit = tryPushFrame(null.asInstanceOf[In])
override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = {
if (buffer.isEmpty) {
else if (isAvailable(out)) {
} // else swallow the termination and wait for pull
setHandlers(in, out, this)
// For example, to use with a stream of Instant/ByteString pairs, recording the time of the first packet of the frame:
Flow[(Instant, ByteString)]
.via(FramingStage.lengthField[(Instant, ByteString), Instant, (Instant, ByteString)](
fieldLength = 4,
fieldOffset = 0,
maximumFrameLength = 50000,
byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN,
extractor = _._2,
seed = _._1,
aggregate = (agg, _) ⇒ agg,
(agg, bs) ⇒ (agg, bs)))
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