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Created January 13, 2014 18:01
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Preprocess a val def in order to splice it and have it retain a DEFAULTPARAM mod
package models
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
object helloMacro {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
import Flag._
def makeDefault(valDef: ValDef) = valDef match {
case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => ValDef(
mods.flags | DEFAULTPARAM, mods.privateWithin, mods.annotations
name, tpt, rhs
val result = { match {
//Thanks to Eugene Burmako, Den Shabalin, and Travis Brown
case q"$mods class $name[..$tparams](..$first)(...$rest) extends ..$parents { $self => ..$body }" :: Nil =>
val valName = newTermName("x")
val valType = tq"String"
val valDefault = q""""foo""""
val helloVal = makeDefault(q"val $valName: $valType = $valDefault")
// val helloVal = q"val $valName: $valType = $valDefault"
val vals = List(helloVal)
q"$mods class $name[..$tparams](..$first, $helloVal)(...$rest) extends ..$parents { $self => ..$body }"
class hello extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro helloMacro.impl
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