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Created October 8, 2017 11:11
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const Command = require('../../cmdModule/commands').Command
class LcountCommand extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'list',
help: 'List the members who have the prestige car',
lhelp: '{crew letter} [z]\n{crew letter} is G or Y or R, what crew to list prestige car + cup for.\n[z] If z is specified, the list will be of the crew\'s user\'s nicks/timezones rather than prestige status'
hasPermission(message) {
let dotGuildMember = message.guild.members.get(
if ( == '277006003797491712') return true
return false
async run(msg, args, api) {
if (!args[1]) {
//msg.reply('<:NoTick:318378431572344832> Please remember to specify the crew (G/Y/R) and type of count (car/cup)!')
api.error('Please remember to specify the crew (G/Y/R/all)!')
var argg = args[1].toLowerCase()
var crew
var color
var endd
var nick
if (argg.indexOf('g') > -1) {
crew = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Greenlight')
color = '#00ff00'
endd =
} else if (argg.indexOf('y') > -1) {
crew = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Yellowlight')
color = '#ffff00'
endd =
} else if (argg.indexOf('r') > -1) {
crew = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Redlight')
color = '#ff0000'
endd =
/*} else if (argg.indexOf('all') > -1) {
crew = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Members')
color = '#fff'
endd = "All"
nick = true*/
if (argg.indexOf('z') > -1) {
nick = true
/*var role
var rname
if (args[2].indexOf('car') > -1) {
role = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Car').id
rname = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Car').name
} else if (args[2].indexOf('cup') > -1) {
role = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Cup').id
rname = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Cup').name
if (nick = false) {
var role1 = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Car')
var role2 = msg.guild.roles.find('name', 'Prestige Cup')
var members1 = crew.members
var members2 = crew.members
var list1 = members1.filter(user => {
return user.roles.has(
}).map(user => {
if (msg.guild.member( !== null) {
return msg.guild.member(
} else {
return user.user.username
}).join('` | `')
var list2 = members2.filter(user2 => {
return user2.roles.has(
}).map(user2 => {
if (msg.guild.member( !== null) {
return msg.guild.member(
} else {
return user2.user.username
}).join('` | `')
list1 = "`" + list1 + "`"
list2 = "`" + list2 + "`"
var count1 = list1.replace(/[^|]/g, "").length
var count2 = list2.replace(/[^|]/g, "").length
if (count1 >= '1') {
count1 = count1 + 1
if (count2 >= '1') {
count2 = count2 + 1
api.evalembed(color, `<:Tick:318378431051989003> \`Prestige List for ${endd} Members:\``, + " Count: " + count1, + " List: " + list1, + " Count: " + count2, + " List: " + list2)
} else {
var members = crew.members
var list = members.filter(user => {
if (msg.guild.member( !== null) {
return msg.guild.member(
} else {
//return user.roles.has(
//}).map(user => {
// if (msg.guild.member( !== null) {
// return msg.guild.member(
// } else {
// return user.user.username
// }
}).join('` | `')
list = "`" + list + "`"
var count = list.replace(/[^|]/g, "").length
if (count >= '1') {
count = count + 1
api.evalembed("#fff", `<:Tick:318378431051989003> \`Timezone List for ${endd} Members:\``, "Nickname/Timezone" + " Count:", count, "Nickname/Timezone" + " List:", list)
/* => {
return user
}).filter(user => {
//for(i = 0; i < members.length; i++){
/*function eachh(one, two, three) {
var thisi = two
if (thisi.roles.has(role)) {
//api.success(`**Number of \`${}\` members with the \`${}\` role:**\n${list.length}\n[${list}]`)
//api.embed(color, `<:Tick:318378431051989003> \`${} members with the ${rname} role:\``, `${count}\n(${list})`)
//msg.reply(`\n<:Tick:318378431051989003> **Number of \`${}\` members with the \`${}\` role:**\n${list.length}\n(${list})`)
module.exports = LcountCommand
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