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Last active March 14, 2019 12:17
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Marzipan Cheatsheet and Workarounds

Marzipan Cheatsheet

Want to avoid going through manually and finding every single missing framework, method, or issue? Use this quick cheatsheet to check your code for any issues before building on Marzipan.

Unavailable Frameworks


  • AppKit (possible via lldb but not recommended)
  • AddressBook/Contacts/ContactsUI
  • CoreTelephony (CTTelephonyNetworkInfo)
  • CloudKit (couldn't get it working)
  • GameplayKit
  • IntentsUI (Intents seems to work)
  • LocalAuthentication
  • MessageUI (MFMailComposeViewController)
  • Photos (causes AppKit to load)
  • SafariServices (SFSafariViewController)
  • Social (SLComposeViewController)

Third Party

  • Firebase by Google
  • Realm (immediate crash)
  • SwiftEntryKit
  • WeScan

Unavailable Methods/Properties


  • accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors (Invert Colors)
  • UIDocumentBrowser
  • UINotificationFeedbackGenerator (Haptic Feedback)
  • UIPrintInfo (Printing)
  • UIWebView


  • -[NSFont isSystemFont] (Used in Dynamic Text) [Import file below to fix]

import UIKit
// Fix missing selectors on NSFont
extension NSObject {
@objc func isSystemFont() -> Bool {
return false
@objc func _fontAdjustedForContentSizeCategoryCompatible(withTraitCollection arg1: Any?) -> Any? {
return self
// Fix center text alignment
enum NSTextAlignment: Int {
case left = 0 // Visually left aligned
case center = 1 // Visually centered
case right = 2 // Visually right aligned
case right = 1 // Visually right aligned
case center = 2 // Visually centered
case justified = 3 // Fully-justified. The last line in a paragraph is natural-aligned
case natural = 4 // Indicates the default alignment for script
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