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Created September 26, 2019 13:59
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set -euxo pipefail
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
CURRENT_REGION=$(curl -s | sed 's/\(.*\)[a-z]/\1/')
export INFOPATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/share/info"
function _logger() {
echo -e "$(date) ${YELLOW}[*] $@ ${NC}"
function add_attendees_to_cloud9() {
# Cloud9 Environment has a limit of 20 IAM users you can share with
# Therefore, we only add service and presenter users
C9_IDS=($(aws cloud9 list-environments --query 'environmentIds' --output text))
for env in ${C9_IDS[@]}; do
_logger "[*] Getting list of Cloud9 Environments"
C9_ENV=($(aws cloud9 describe-environments --environment-ids ${env} --query 'environments[*].name' --output text))
for workspace in ${C9_ENV[@]}; do
for user_no in $(seq 1 5); do
_logger "[+] Adding IAM User ${user_no} to Cloud9 ${workspace} Environment"
aws cloud9 create-environment-membership \
--environment-id ${env} \
--user-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${workspace}ServiceUser${user_no} \
--permissions read-write
for presenter_no in $(seq 1 4); do
_logger "[+] Adding Presenter ${presenter_no} to Cloud9 ${workspace} Environment"
aws cloud9 create-environment-membership \
--environment-id ${env} \
--user-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/Presenter${presenter_no} \
--permissions read-write
function upgrade_sam_cli() {
_logger "[+] Backing up current SAM CLI"
cp $(which sam) ~/.sam_old_backup
_logger "[+] Installing latest SAM CLI"
# pipx install aws-sam-cli
# cfn-lint currently clashing with SAM CLI deps
## installing SAM CLI via brew instead
brew tap aws/tap
brew install aws-sam-cli
_logger "[+] Updating Cloud9 SAM binary"
# Allows for local invoke within IDE (except debug run)
ln -sf $(which sam) ~/.c9/bin/sam
function upgrade_existing_packages() {
_logger "[+] Upgrading system packages"
sudo yum update -y
_logger "[+] Upgrading Python pip and setuptools"
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools --user
_logger "[+] Installing latest AWS CLI"
# _logger "[+] Installing pipx, and latest AWS CLI"
# python3 -m pip install --user pipx
# pipx install awscli
python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user awscli
function install_utility_tools() {
_logger "[+] Installing CFN Linting"
python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user cfn-lint
_logger "[+] Installing c9 (Cloud9 CLI)"
npm install -g c9
function configure_aws_cli() {
_logger "[!] Overriding AWS CLI configuration... don't forget to attach IAM Role to EC2"
rm -f ~/.aws/credentials
cat <<-EOF >~/.aws/config
output = json
region = ${CURRENT_REGION}
function install_linuxbrew() {
_logger "[+] Creating touch symlink"
sudo ln -sf /bin/touch /usr/bin/touch
_logger "[+] Installing homebrew..."
echo | sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
_logger "[+] Adding homebrew in PATH"
test -d ~/.linuxbrew && eval $(~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
test -d /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew && eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
test -r ~/.bash_profile && echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.bash_profile
echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile
function main() {
# add_attendees_to_cloud9
echo -e "${RED} [!!!!!!!!!] Open up a new terminal to reflect changes ${NC}"
_logger "[+] Restarting Shell to reflect changes"
exec ${SHELL}
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