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Last active May 2, 2017 12:09
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For use on inventory pages only.
Used for converting any type of value (string, jQuery object, number)
to an easy to use interface for working with prices.
1. new Price('1 key'); // value = 1, currency = 'keys'
2. new Price($item); // convert jQuery item which has data-p_bptf attribute
3. new Price(5, 6, 'keys'); // 5-6 keys
4. new Price({ value: 2, value_high: 3, currency: metal }) // 2-3 ref
Instance Getters:
Produces an average of value and value_high.
new Price(3,4).avereage // 3.5
Instance Methods:
Gets the value in refined. Bases conversion on average
by default. Pass a parameter to use a different value.
Returns 0 if no number can be converted.
1. price.getRefinedValue();
2. price.getRefinedValue(price.value);
Parses jQuery item object for assigning values.
Parses USD value.
Parses a price string for assigning values.
price.parseString('2-3 ref');
Class Methods:
Call when document is ready to set core attributes.
$(document).ready(function() {
Price.setup(); // get key price
Converts a string to a value in refined metal.
Price.stringToRefinedPrice('1 key, 5 ref'); // 25 (when keys are 20 refined)
Converts a string to an object of currencies.
Price.stringToCurrencies('1 key, 5 ref'); // { keys: 1, metal: 5 }
Modifies value gained from paint or strange parts. This method
accepts a 2nd parameter to modify seperate values for each type
of bonus (paint, or strangePart)
1. Price.modifyBonusValue($item, { paint: 0.5, strangePart: 0 }); // 50% added value from paints, 0% from strange parts
2. Price.modifyBonusValue($item); // values from bonuses
Rounds a refined value to the nearest 1/36 in two decimals.
Price.roundRefinedValue(3.3333); // 3.33
Class Properites:
The price of keys in refined metal.
Array of attributes used by price instance.
Value in refined metal of each currency.
Global name for currency string e.g. 'ref' = 'metal'
// p1 and p2 are optional
var Price = function(o, p1, p2) {
var self = this;
switch (typeof o) {
case 'string':
case 'object':
if (o instanceof jQuery) {
this.parseJQuery(o, p1, p2);
} else {
// basic price object
// { value: 1, value_high: 2, currency: 'metal' }
for (var k, i = 0; i < Price.instanceAttributes.length; i++) {
k = Price.instanceAttributes[i];
if (o[k] !== undefined) {
this[k] = o[k]; // attach properties
case 'number':
this.value = o;
this.value_high = !isNaN(p1) && p1;
this.currency = Price.CurrencyName[p2 || p1] || 'metal'; // presumed metal if no currency
this.__defineGetter__('average', function() {
if (self.value_high && self.value) {
return (self.value + self.value_high) / 2;
} else {
return self.value || 0;
Price.prototype.parseJQuery = function($item, scm) {
if ($'p_bptf')) {
} else if ($'p_scm_all') && scm) { // p1 must be set to use scm price as value
this.parseString($'p_scm_all')); // the scm value is only the base scm value, and does not included value for additions
if ($'p_bptf_all')) {
// if there is no value that could be found, but there is a price...
if (!this.value && $'price')) {
this.value = $'price');
this.currency = 'metal';
Price.prototype.parseString = function(string) {
var match = string.match(/^([\d\.]*)[\––]?([\d\.]*)? (\w*)/); // "1-1.2 keys"
if (match) {
this.value = parseFloat(match[1]);
this.currency = Price.CurrencyName[match[3] || match[2]]; // if it's not in the 3rd group, it's in the 2nd
// if there are 3 match groups, there is a range
if (match[3]) {
this.value_high = parseFloat(match[2]);
Price.prototype.parseUSD = function(string) {
var match = string.match(/\$(\d{1,}\.\d{2})/); // 290.00 ref, $33.35
if (match) {
this.usd = parseFloat(match[1]);
Price.prototype.getRefinedValue = function(value) {
var currencyValue = Price.RefinedCurrencyValue[this.currency];
if (currencyValue) {
return (value || this.average) * currencyValue;
} else {
return 0;
Price.RefinedCurrencyValue = {
'metal': 1,
'keys': 1
Price.CurrencyName = {
'keys': 'keys',
'key': 'keys',
'ref': 'metal',
'$': 'usd'
// get the value of keys in metal
Price.getKeyPrice = function() {
// get key price only if a key price doesn't already exist, or the force value is truthy
// this process is slow (for larger inventories) and mostly only needs to be called once (should take 1-100ms)
if (Price.keyPrice) {
var rawValue = Session.rawCurrency.value;
Price.RefinedCurrencyValue['usd'] = 1 / rawValue; // set value of usd
// find items priced in keys
// then sort items by price (the higher the price, the more accurate key value we can get)
jQuery('.item[data-p_bptf*="keys"]').sort(function(a,b) {
var ax = parseFloat($(a).attr('data-price')) || 0;
var bx = parseFloat($(b).attr('data-price')) || 0;
var val = 0;
if (ax > bx) {
return -1;
} else if (ax < bx) {
return 1;
return 0;
}).each(function() {
// loop through items until we find an item priced in keys
var price = new Price(jQuery(this));
if (price.currency === 'keys' && price.value && price.usd) {
// to get the value of keys in metal...
// value of items is 2 keys, or $4.32
// keys = 2
// usd = 4.32
// 4.32 / 2 = 2.16 (the value of 1 key)
// 2.16 / 0.12 (rawValue) = 18 (refined metal)
Price.setKeyPrice((price.usd / price.average) / rawValue);
return false; // we found what we're looking for, break the loop
if (!Price.keyPrice) {
// set value using the value of a key, if no items in inventory are priced in keys
var key = $('.item[data-name="Mann Co. Supply Crate Key"]:first');
var price = key && key.length && new Price(key);
if (price && price.value) {
Price.setKeyPrice = function(value) {
Price.keyPrice = value;
Price.RefinedCurrencyValue['keys'] = value;
console.log('key price is: ' + value);
Price.instanceAttributes = ['value', 'value_high', 'usd', 'currency'];
// convert a string to a value in refined metal
// when keys are 20 refined, 1 key, 5 ref -> 25
Price.stringToRefinedPrice = function(string) {
var currencies = Price.stringToCurrencies(string), value = 0, k;
for (k in currencies) {
if (Price.RefinedCurrencyValue[k]) {
value += Price.RefinedCurrencyValue[k] * currencies[k]; // multiply amount of currency by value of currency in metal
return Price.roundRefinedValue(value);
// round down to nearest 1/36 of a ref
Price.roundRefinedValue = function(value) {
return value && Math.floor(Math.round(value * 36) / 36 * 100) / 100;
// modify an item's bonus values
// values is an object:
// { strangePart: 0.2, paint: 0.5 }
// to value strange parts as 20% value and paint as 50% value
Price.modifyBonusValue = function($item, multipliers) {
var bonusValue = 0;
var rawBonusValue = 0;
var baseValue = 0;
var isUnusual = $'quality') == 5;
// does not apply to unusuals
if (multipliers && !isUnusual) {
var basePrice = $'price') && new Price($item, true);
baseValue = (basePrice && basePrice.getRefinedValue()) || 0; // modify based on price attribute
var bonusValues = {
strangePart: [
paint: [
for (var k in bonusValues) {
// loop through values
for (var i = 0; i < bonusValues[k].length; i++) {
if (bonusValues[k][i]) {
var bonusPrice = new Price(bonusValues[k][i]);
var bonusPriceRefinedValue = bonusPrice.getRefinedValue();
bonusValue += bonusPriceRefinedValue * (multipliers[k] || 0); // create price from attribute and multiply its average by multiplier
rawBonusValue += bonusPriceRefinedValue;
} else {
baseValue = new Price($item).getRefinedValue();
return baseValue + bonusValue;
Price.hasBonuses = function($item) {
var bonusValues = {
strangePart: [
paint: [
for (var k in bonusValues) {
for (var i = 0; i < bonusValues[k].length; i++) {
if (bonusValues[k][i]) {
return true;
return false;
// convert string of currencies to object of currencies
// 5 keys, 5 ref -> { keys: 5, metal: 5 }
Price.stringToCurrencies = function(string) {
var vals = string.split(', '), i, currency, match, reg = /([\d\.]*) (\w*)/; // currency name, amount
var currencies = {};
for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
match = vals[i].match(reg);
currency = match && Price.CurrencyName[match[2]];
if (currency) {
currencies[currency] = parseFloat(match[1]);
return currencies;
Price.setup = function() {
Price.getKeyPrice(); // get key price
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