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Last active February 3, 2023 19:50
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Next friday at 12pm
use chrono::{Duration, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime, Weekday, Datelike};
/// Gets the next day of the week at the given time. If the current date is already the given
/// weekday **and** after the given time, it will return the next one.
fn get_next_day_of_week_at_time(
weekday: Weekday,
at_time: NaiveTime,
) -> Option<NaiveDateTime> {
let mut date = chrono::offset::Local::now();
let one_day = Duration::days(1);
// It is currently the weekday we want and after the given time.
if date.weekday() == weekday && date.time() > at_time {
// Add a day so we scroll over to the next day we're looking for.
date = date + one_day;
while date.weekday() != weekday {
// Keep adding a day until we reach the day we're looking for.
date = date + one_day;
fn main() {
let time = NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(12, 0, 0).unwrap();
let next_friday_at_12pm = get_next_day_of_week_at_time(Weekday::Fri, time);
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