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Created February 21, 2017 23:37
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How to load rsa keys in go
package config
import (
func rsaConfigSetup(rsaPrivateKeyLocation, rsaPrivateKeyPassword string) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) {
if rsaPrivateKeyLocation == "" {
utils.LogWarn("No RSA Key given, generating temp one", nil)
return GenRSA(4096)
priv, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rsaPrivateKeyLocation)
if err != nil {
utils.LogWarn("No RSA private key found, generating temp one", nil)
return GenRSA(4096)
privPem, _ := pem.Decode(priv)
var privPemBytes []byte
if privPem.Type != "RSA PRIVATE KEY" {
utils.LogWarn("RSA private key is of the wrong type", utils.LogFields{
"Pem Type": privPem.Type,
if rsaPrivateKeyPassword != "" {
privPemBytes, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(privPem, []byte(rsaPrivateKeyPassword))
} else {
privPemBytes = privPem.Bytes
var parsedKey interface{}
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(privPemBytes); err != nil {
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(privPemBytes); err != nil { // note this returns type `interface{}`
utils.LogError("Unable to parse RSA private key, generating a temp one", err, utils.LogFields{})
return GenRSA(4096)
var privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
var ok bool
privateKey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
if !ok {
utils.LogError("Unable to parse RSA private key, generating a temp one", err, utils.LogFields{})
return GenRSA(4096)
pub, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rsaPublicKeyLocation)
if err != nil {
utils.LogWarn("No RSA public key found, generating temp one", nil)
return GenRSA(4096)
pubPem, _ := pem.Decode(pub)
if pubPem == nil {
utils.LogError("Use `ssh-keygen -f -e -m pem > id_rsa.pem` to generate the pem encoding of your RSA public key",
errors.New("rsa public key not in pem format"), utils.LogFields{
"Public key location": rsaPublicKeyLocation,
return GenRSA(4096)
if pubPem.Type != "RSA PUBLIC KEY" {
utils.LogWarn("RSA public key is of the wrong type", utils.LogFields{
"Pem Type": pubPem.Type,
return GenRSA(4096)
if parsedKey, err = x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(pubPem.Bytes); err != nil {
utils.LogError("Unable to parse RSA public key, generating a temp one", err, utils.LogFields{})
return GenRSA(4096)
var pubKey *rsa.PublicKey
if pubKey, ok = parsedKey.(*rsa.PublicKey); !ok {
utils.LogError("Unable to parse RSA public key, generating a temp one", err, utils.LogFields{})
return GenRSA(4096)
privateKey.PublicKey = pubKey
return privateKey, nil
// GenRSA returns a new RSA key of bits length
func GenRSA(bits int) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) {
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, bits)
utils.LogFatal("Failed to generate signing key", err, nil)
return key, err
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yookoala commented Sep 30, 2020

If you want to generate a key pair for this with openssl, use the old genrsa subcommand, for example:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private.key 8192
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

Do not use the new genpkey subcommand, for example:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -aes256 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:8192 -out private.pem
openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public.pem

While both command generates RSA key pair, the key file format is different.

openssl genrsa generates private key as pkcs#1 block, which formats like this:

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-256-CBC,1DA219DB746F88C6DDA0D852A0FD3232


openssl genpkey generates private key as pkcs#8 block, which formats like this:


The function x509.DecryptPEMBlock only works with pkcs#1. If you provide it with a pkcs#8 block, it would give you an error: "x509: no DEK-Info header in block".

As specified in #8860, the core library has no real plan to support pkcs#8 in the near future. If you want to work with it, you'll have better luck with 3rd party library like (Documentation).

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