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Last active February 15, 2019 16:28
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24-bit color for vim inside tmux through wsl's ssh out to mintty 😄
" jshap's vimrc
" there are many like it, but this one is mine
" Load vim-plug
if !has('win32')
let autoload_dir=$HOME."/.vim/autoload"
let autoload_dir=$HOME."/vimfiles/autoload"
if empty(glob(autoload_dir."/plug.vim"))
if !isdirectory(autoload_dir)
call mkdir(autoload_dir, "p")
execute '!curl -fLo '.autoload_dir.'/plug.vim '
\ .''
let color_match = matchstr(&term, '\c256')
if !empty(color_match)
set t_Co=256
" FIXME: figure out how to detect truecolor support instead of assuming it
" with 256 support :)
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
" version with literal escape characters
" let &t_8f = "[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
" let &t_8b = "[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_ZH="\e[3m"
let &t_ZR="\e[23m"
set termguicolors
" NOTE: to get 24-bit color in tmux, you must have the following in your
" tmux.conf, as well as ensuring $TERM is set to either `screen-256color' or
" `tmux-256color' based on your setup's support:
" set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc,tmux-256color:Tc"
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
"Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim'
"Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
"Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
Plug 'iCyMind/NeoSolarized'
"Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plug 'tikhomirov/vim-glsl'
Plug 'tmux-plugins/vim-tmux'
Plug 'pboettch/vim-cmake-syntax'
Plug 'wlangstroth/vim-racket'
call plug#end()
""" looks
set background=dark
" set colo for 256-term
if !empty(color_match)
"let g:seoul256_background=235
"colo seoul256
let g:neosolarized_bold = 1
let g:neosolarized_underline = 1
let g:neosolarized_italic = 1
colo NeoSolarized
" set colo & font for gvim
if has("gui_running")
" fonts
if has('macunix')
set guifont=Menlo\ Regular:h14
elseif has('unix')
" fun fact: on mac, `has('unix')` returns true.
" so we must check for mac first, then for *nix
set guifont=Consolas
elseif has('win32')
set guifont=Consolas:h9:cANSI
" window
set lines=44
set columns=120
" colorz
let g:neosolarized_bold = 1
let g:neosolarized_underline = 1
let g:neosolarized_italic = 1
colo NeoSolarized
elseif &term =~ "^xterm\\|rxvt\\|tmux"
" vertical bar for insert
let &t_SI .= "\<Esc>[5 q"
" underline for replace
let &t_SR .= "\<Esc>[3 q"
" normal blink when leaving
let &t_EI .= "\<Esc>[1 q"
" Remove gvim toolbar b/c it's ugly
set guioptions-=T
""" misc settings
" completion keybinding
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-n>"
" turn on git gutter by default
let g:gitgutter_enabled = 1
" Turn on line numbering. Turn it off with "set nonu"
set number
" set relativenumber
" set cuc
" hi CursorColumn guibg=#3a3a3a
" set cul
" hi CursorLine guibg=#3a3a3a
" allow inserting past end of line, like `a`
set virtualedit=onemore
" Turn on column coloring at 80 and 120
set colorcolumn=80,120
" Set syntax on
syntax on
" set case insensitive dir browsing
let g:netrw_sort_options = "i"
" Search
" Case insensitive search w/ smartcase matching
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Higlhight search
set hlsearch
" Move cusor while matching
set incsearch
" 🍌 splits...
set splitbelow " Splits open below instead of above
set splitright " Vsplits open on the right instead of the left
" Wrap text instead of being on one line
set lbr
" Unix line endings are definitively better. fight me.
set fileformat=unix
set fileformats=unix,dos
" Spellcheck, because I'm a horrible speller
" set spell spelllang=en_us
" set indent rules
filetype plugin indent on
" show existing tab with 4 spaces width
set tabstop=4
" when indenting with '>', use 4 spaces width
set shiftwidth=4
" On pressing tab, insert 4 spaces
set expandtab
" Render some whitespace (note that there is some weirdness here because of
" window's default character encoding is used when it reads vimrc
if !has('win32')
set listchars=tab:>·,trail:·
set listchars=tab:>·,trail:·
set list
" enable mouse
set mouse=a
" Optimize for fast terminal connections
set ttyfast
" Use the OS clipboard by default (on versions compiled with `+clipboard`)
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Status tweaks
"turn on statusline
set laststatus=2
"custom statusline
set statusline=\ %F\ "filename
"misc info
set statusline+=%h "help file flag
set statusline+=%r "read only flag
set statusline+=%y "filetype
set statusline+=\ %m "modified flag
set statusline+=%= "left/right separator
"encoding info
set statusline+=[ "
set statusline+=%{strlen(&fenc)?&fenc:'none'} "file encoding
"set statusline+=,%{&ff} "file format
set statusline+=] "
"cursor location info
set statusline+=%3l "cursor line
set statusline+=:%c "cursor column
set statusline+=/%L "total lines
set statusline+=\ %P\ "percent through file
" fun easy way to make aliases for commands!
" (I don't remember where this came from, appologies original creator)
fun! SetupCommandAlias(from, to)
exec 'cnoreabbrev <expr> '.a:from
\ .' ((getcmdtype() is# ":" && getcmdline() is# "'.a:from.'")'
\ .'? ("'.a:to.'") : ("'.a:from.'"))'
" make super easy 'diff buffer against saved' command
call SetupCommandAlias("diff","w !diff % -")
" Allow saving of files as sudo when I forgot to start vim using sudo.
call SetupCommandAlias("w!!", "w !sudo tee > /dev/null %")
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
augroup vimrc
" Remove all vimrc autocommands so they're not duplicated
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.glsl,*.vs,*.fs set ft=glsl
" autocmd FilterWritePost *.glsl,*.vs,*.fs setf glsl
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cuh set ft=cuda
au BufNewFile,BufRead set ft=make
augroup END
" screen/tmux hax for configuration missmatch on wsl lappy
if &term =~ '^tmux'
" tmux knows the extended mouse mode
set ttymouse=xterm2
" fix ctrl+arrow keys in tmux
if &term =~ '^screen'
execute "set <xUp>=\e[1;*A"
execute "set <xDown>=\e[1;*B"
execute "set <xRight>=\e[1;*C"
execute "set <xLeft>=\e[1;*D"
elseif &term =~ '^tmux'
" tmux will send xterm-style keys when its xterm-keys option is on
execute "set <xUp>=\e[1;*A"
execute "set <xDown>=\e[1;*B"
execute "set <xRight>=\e[1;*C"
execute "set <xLeft>=\e[1;*D"
map <Esc>[B <Down>
""" misc workarounds
" can't turn off the bell sound in mintty or native wsl ;_;
set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb=
" backspace wasn't working for some reason
if has('win32')
set backspace=2
set clipboard=unnamed
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