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GET /posts/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match": { "title": "Exploring Elasticsearch Models" } }
"inner_hits": {
POST /blog/posts/1
"title": "Elasticsearch Modeling",
"content": "A post about data modeling in Elasticsearch"
POST /blog/comments/2?parent=1
"text": "Great post!"
"comment_id": "101",
"text": "Great overview of data modeling!",
"post_id": "1"
"post_id": "1",
"title": "Introduction to Elasticsearch Data Modeling",
"content": "Exploring various data modeling options in Elasticsearch."
PUT my-index-000001
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"post_id": {
"type": "keyword"
"post_id": {
"type": "join",
"relations": {
"post_id": "1",
"title": "Introduction to Elasticsearch Data Modeling",
"content": "Exploring various data modeling options in Elasticsearch.",
"comments": [
"comment_id": "101",
"text": "Great overview of data modeling!"
Query item: x
^ |
| x Item 1|
| / |
| / |
| /x Item 2 |
| / |
| / |
| /x Item 3 |
| x Item 1
| /
| /
| /x Item 2
| /
| /
| /x Item 3
| /
| /
curl -X POST \
"http://localhost:6566/get-online-features" \
-d '{
"features": [
"entities": {
"userId": [0]
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("data/labelled_2021may-ip-10-100-1-186.csv")