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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Approach to determine if the Get Active Users workflow is actually working.

How to prove that the Get Active Users is actually working.

First, check the last interaction's date

1. Take a twitter user's last_interacted_on

SELECT last_interacted_on FROM twitter_personas WHERE service_id = 90966992;

Returns 2015-07-21.

2. Compare that date with the last interaction_created_at you can get from the bindings.

SELECT    interaction_created_at
FROM      bindings.belgium_fl_2015_07
WHERE     persona_service_id = 90966992 -- Timdanny
ORDER BY  interaction_created_at DESC
LIMIT     1;

Returns 2015-07-21 17:19:39.

So, is 2015-07-21 17:19:39 the same day as 2015-07-21? Yes.

Next, check the last tweet's date

1. Take a twitter user's last_tweeted_on

SELECT last_tweeted_on FROM twitter_personas WHERE service_id = 90966992;

Returns 2015-07-21

2. Compare that with Twitter

Looking at his feed, it's clear that he tweeted on the 2015-07-21, so we have the correct last_tweeted_on.

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