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Last active September 15, 2016 16:22
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Save julienfantin/26cacfda7fc9192a3ed5942534d934ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. tempids reconciliation for a remote mutation
(ns om-next.remote-merge
[ :as om]))
;; The code below simulates:
;; - an optimistic insert that uses a tempid
;; - merging the remote response with tempids map
;; It tries to check whether the tempids get properly replaced by the ones
;; contained in the server-response.
;; In actuality this whole behavior below would be kicked off by:
;; (om/transact!
;; reconciler
;; `[(~'auth/register
;; {:db/id ~(om/tempid)
;; :user/email "foo@bar",
;; :user/password "___"})])
(let [temp-id :temp
real-id :real
;; App state after optimistic update
initial-state {:current-user [:db/id temp-id],
:db/id {temp-id
{:db/id temp-id, :user/email "foo@bar" :user/password "___"}}}
;; The remote query response our send fn gets from the parser (c.f. issue #1)
server-response {'auth/register
{:tempids {[:db/id temp-id] [:db/id real-id]}}}}
;; State expected after the remote result is merged
expected-state {:current-user [:db/id real-id],
:db/id {real-id
{:db/id real-id, :user/email "foo@bar" :user/password "___"}}}
reconciler (om/reconciler {:state initial-state :db-key :db/id})
_ (om/merge! reconciler server-response)]
@(om/app-state reconciler))
;; =>
;; {:current-user [:db/id :temp],
;; :db/id {:temp {:db/id :temp, :user/email "foo@bar", :user/password "___"}},
;; auth/register {:result {:tempids {[:db/id :temp] [:db/id :real]}}},
;; #{}}
;; Issues:
;; 1. The tempids in the `server-response` above never make it to the `migrate`
;; function. If the send function "lifts" the tempids one level in the map, i.e.
;; {'auth/register
;; {:result {}
;; :tempids {[:db/id temp-id] [:db/id real-id]}}}
;; then `migrate` does get the tempids map, but the app state ends up as:
;;{:tables #{}}
;; 2. The entire response ends up assoc'd into the state?
;; 3. `default-migrate` doesn't seem to try and replace links. How is
;; `:current-user` not supposed to become a dangling ref?
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