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Created October 26, 2012 13:20
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celery retry_task decorator. Depends on django transaction.
def retry_task(name, max_retries=3, ignore_result=True, queue="celery", countdown=10, exceptions=[]):
This decorator allows you to retry a celery task if it raised an exception of type defined in <exceptions>.
Tasks are also wrapped by a commit_on_success decorator to avoid incomplete data in the database.
arguments are :
name: The name of the task
max_retries: The number of retries before giving up [default: 3]
ignore_result: Should celery ignores the result [default: True]
queue: The queue name [default: "celery"]
countdown: The ellapsed time between retries [default: 10 seconds]
exceptions [mandatory]: An array of exception type.If an exception of those type is raised, we will retry the task, any other exception will be raise automatically.
if not exceptions:
raise ValueError("You must define a list of retriable exceptions.")
def decorator(func):
@task(name=name, max_retries=max_retries, ignore_result=ignore_result, queue=queue)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
for exception_type in exceptions:
if isinstance(exc, exception_type): #This mean we should retry
return wrapper.retry(countdown=countdown, exc=exc)
raise #This is an unexception error, we should not retry
return wrapper
return decorator
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