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Created February 8, 2023 06:45
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Make cPanel's PHP-FPM max_children change persistent accross reboots
# License: MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2023 Julien Tessier,
# This script allows to have persistent change on cPanel's PHP-FPM limits
# (see
# Instructions:
# Backup files in /var/cpanel/php-fpm.d/
# Edit the line 22 as required (and duplicate it if needed), in the example I set 250 max_children for user "hodi"
# Put this script in /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/on_boot/increase_cpanel_php_fpm_limit
# Make sure it's chmod'ed to be executable
# Reboot and see how the change is now persistent : )
# First wait until cPanel's PHP-FPM has started (I don't know when cPanel overwrites the config)
until [ `ps ax | grep php-fpm.*/usr/local/cpanel/ | wc -l` -ge 2 ]
sleep 1
# Then edit the max_children as needed (per user)
sed -i -e '/pm\.max_children =/ s/= .*/= 250/' /var/cpanel/php-fpm.d/hodi.conf
# Finally restart cPanel's PHP-FPM
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