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Created December 3, 2011 15:08
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Querying JSON
package jsonquery
object `package` {
import dispatch.json._
implicit def jsonToSearchable(json: JsValue) = new {
def \ (selector: String): Either[String, JsValue] = json match {
case JsObject(map) => {
(for {
value <- map.get(JsString(selector))
} yield {
}) getOrElse Left("'%s' is undefined on object: %s".format(selector, json))
case _ => Left("'%s' is undefined on object: %s".format(selector, json))
implicit def eitherToSearchable(e: Either[String, JsValue]) = new {
def \ (selector: String): Either[String, JsValue] = {
for {
json <- e.right
result <- (json \ selector).right
} yield result
package jsonquery
import org.specs2.mutable._
import dispatch.json._
class SJsonQuerySpec extends Specification {
val json = JsObject(List(
val jsonArray = new JsArray(List(
"sjson-query" should {
"find a value from an object and its key" >> {
(json \ "foo").right.get must be_== (JsString("bar"))
(for {
JsString(value) <- (json \ "foo").right.toOption
} yield {
}).get must be_== ("bar")
"return an error on unsuccessful search" >> {
(json \ "bar").isLeft must beTrue
"allow to search consecutively" >> {
(json \ "bah" \ "nested").right.get must be_== (JsNumber(1))
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