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Last active December 14, 2015 04:49
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Contravariance is useful.
// Some data type definitions: the usual (and boring) zoo class hierarchy
abstract class Animal { }
abstract class Mammal extends Animal { }
class Giraffe extends Mammal { }
class Zebra extends Mammal {
num stripeCount;
Zebra(num stripeCount) {
this.stripeCount = stripeCount;
// Veterinaries treat animals
abstract class Vet<A> {
void treat(A a);
// This one only knows how to treat zebras
class ZebraVet extends Vet<Zebra> {
void treat(Zebra zebra) {
print("Treating a zebra with ${zebra.stripeCount} stripes");
// This one knows how to treat any kind of animal
class AnimalVet extends Vet<Animal> {
void treat(Animal animal) {
print("Treating animal $animal");
// At this point of the code, it is obvious that `Vet<Animal>` is a subtype of `Vet<Zebra>`
// because a `Vet<Animal>` knows how to treat any animal, including zebras.
// This function needs just a `Vet<Mammal>`
void treatMammal(Vet<Mammal> vet) {
vet.treat(new Giraffe()); // Note that the actual mammal we want to treat is a giraffe
// Ok, enough definitions. Let’s run the code.
void main() {
// Can I use a `Vet<Zebra>` to treat a mammal?
// Obviously I can not (because a mammal may not be a zebra and may not have stripes).
// However the Dart analyzer does not complain … but it fails at runtime.
treatMammal(new ZebraVet());
// Can I use a `Vet<Animal>` to treat a mammal?
// Obviously I can, because a mammal *is* an animal.
// However the Dart analyzer warns me: “'AnimalVet' is not assignable to 'Vet<Mammal>'”. This assertion is just wrong.
// Hopefully the compiler lets me compile the code although the analyzer detected a type “error” … and it just runs fine.
treatMammal(new AnimalVet());
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engleek commented Mar 1, 2013

Why can't I pass my function a Zebra? Isn't a Zebra a Mammal?

Why can I pass my function an Animal? Is my vet suddenly capable of treating all animals, and not just Mammals?

You can cast down, but you can't cast up.

I'm so lost here I asked others to tell me I wasn't crazy, but they're telling me I'm not.

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julienrf commented Mar 1, 2013

A Zebra is a Mammal, but a Vet<Zebra> is not a Vet<Mammal> ;)

A Vet<Mammal> is able to treat any Mammal (including a Zebra) while a Vet<Zebra> is only able to treat a Zebra. So a Vet<Mammal> is a Vet<Zebra>!

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