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Created September 13, 2017 16:36
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Signature of new operations
trait Iterable[A] {
* Returns a collection formed by the result of applying a function to each pair of corresponding elements
* from this collection and another collection. It is semantically equivalent to `(xs zip ys) map f`.
* If one of the two collections is longer than the other, its remaining elements are ignored.
def zipWith[B, C](that: Iterable[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Iterable[C]
* Fold while accumulation function returns Some. Stops on first None.
* @param init initual element to start the accumulation on
* @param op accumulation function
def foldSomeLeft[B](init: B)(op: (B, A) => Option[B]): B
* Same as `foldSomeLeft` but applies `op` from right to left.
* Does not work on infinite collections (all the elements have
* to be evaluated and reversed before the accumulation function
* is applied).
def foldSomeRight[B](init: B)(op: (A, B) => Option[B]): B
* Stack-safe, right-to-left, folding operation that
* can be short-circuited.
def lazyFoldRight[B](empty: => B)(f: A => FoldStep[B]): B
sealed trait FoldStep[A]
object FoldStep {
case class Break[A](value: A) extends FoldStep[A]
case class Pull[A](f: A => A) extends FoldStep[A]
* Equivalent to `groupBy(key).mapValues(`, but more efficient.
def groupMap[K, B](key: A => K)(value: A => B): Map[K, Iterable[B]]
* Equivalent to `groupBy(key).mapValues(` but more efficient.
def groupMapReduce[K, B](key: A => K)(value: A => B)(reduce: (B, B) => B): Map[K, B]
trait Seq[A] {
/** Adds the element `sep` between each element of the sequence.
* If the sequence has less than two elements, the collection is unchanged.
* @param sep the element to intersperse
* @tparam B the element type of the returned collection
* @return a new collection consisting of all elements of this collection
* interspersed with the element `sep`
def intersperse[B >: A](sep: B): Seq[B]
/** Adds the element `sep` between each element of the sequence,
* prepending `start` and appending `end`.
* If the sequence has less than two elements, returns `start +: this :+ end`.
* @param start the element to prepend
* @param sep the element to intersperse
* @param end the element to append
* @tparam B the element type of the returned collection
* @return a new collection consisting of all elements of this collection
* interspersed with the element `sep`, beginning with `start` and ending with `end`
def intersperse[B >: A](start: B, sep: B, end: B): Seq[B]
trait Map[K, V] {
* Combines entries of `this` Map with entries of `that` Map that have the same key,
* using the combination function `f`
def zipByKeyWith[W, X](that: Map[K, W])(f: (V, W) => X): Map[K, X]
* Combines entries of `this` Map with entries of `that` Map by tupling the values that have
* the same key. This operation is similar to a SQL inner join.
def zipByKey[W](that: Map[K, W]): Map[K, (V, W)] = zipByKeyWith(that)(_ -> _)
* Combines all the entries of `this` Map with all the entries of `that` Map by applying a function which is passed:
* - `(Some(v), Some(w))` if both entries have the same key,
* - `(Some(v), None)` if `that` has no entry with the same key as `v`’s entry,
* - `None, Some(w)` if `this` has no entry with the same key as `w`’s entry.
def mergeByKeyWith[W, X](that: Map[K, W](f: PartialFunction[(Option[V], Option[W]), X]): Map[K, X]
/** Operation similar to a SQL full outer join */
def mergeByKey[W](that: Map[K, W]): Map[K, (Option[V], Option[W])] = mergeByKeyWith(that)(PartialFunction(identity))
def leftOuterJoin[W](that: Map[K, W]): Map[K, (V, Option[W])] = mergeByKeyWith(that) { case (Some(v), optW) => v -> optW }
def rightOuterJoin[W](that: Map[K, W]): Map[K, (Option[V], W)] = mergeByKeyWith(that) { case (optV, Some(w)) => optV -> w }
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LPTK commented Sep 28, 2017

@julienrf can we make FoldStep.Pull an opaque type over the function so it doesn't allocate lots of useless wrappers?
FoldStep.Break would still be a case class because we need to distinguish it from the wrapped value, but that's okay because it is only called once per fold operation.

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