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Created April 30, 2024 08:31
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The Deployinator™©
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# This script will build a Docker image from the current state of the working tree.
# It will tag it with the short Git sha, and then push it to under our company
# account. Afterwards the image can be picked up from other hosts to deploy.
export DEPLOY_HOST=<someapp>.<my-domain>
export REV=`git log -1 --pretty=%h`
echo "Buildind Docker image"
docker build . --build-arg APP_REVISION=$REV --build-arg RACK_ENV=production -t <someapp>:$REV
echo "Copying image to $DEPLOY_HOST"
docker save <someapp>:$REV | ssh -C root@$DEPLOY_HOST docker load
# The _data directory of the docker volume must be set to world-writable so that
# writing to it is possible from within the container. Not the most secure option
# but it does the job. Commented out because it was done from the terminal.
ssh root@$DEPLOY_HOST chmod a+r+w+x /var/lib/docker/volumes/<someapp>-sites/_data
ssh root@$DEPLOY_HOST chmod a+r+w+x /var/lib/docker/volumes/<someapp>-tmp/_data
echo "Running migrations"
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST run \
--rm \
--network="<someapp>-net" \
-v <someapp>-sites:/webapp/sites:Z \
<someapp>:$REV \
/bin/sh -c 'cd /webapp; bundle exec rake db:migrate'
echo "Stopping the currently running worker container"
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST stop <someapp>-app || true
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST rm <someapp>-app || true
# The thing needs to run with --init in case we need to fork subprocesses
echo "Starting the new app container"
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST run \
--name="<someapp>-app" \
--detach --restart="unless-stopped" \
--network="<someapp>-net" \
-v <someapp>-sites:/webapp/sites:Z \
-v <someapp>-tmp:/webapp/tmp:Z \
--init \
-p "9292:9292" \
echo "Deleting the old <someapp> images"
IMAGES_TO_DELETE=`docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST images -q <someapp> | awk 'NR>'$DELETE_AFTER_AMOUNT' { print $0 }'`
if [[ $IMAGES_TO_DELETE != "" ]]; then
echo "Found old docker images, will clean up:"
# show full list of images that are more than for ex. 5 (1st line is column name line, therefore 5 + 1) and the column name line itself
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST images <someapp> | awk 'NR==1; NR>'$DELETE_AFTER_AMOUNT+1' { print $0 }'
# force delete the images
docker -H ssh://root@$DEPLOY_HOST rmi -f $IMAGES_TO_DELETE
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