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Created October 26, 2020 17:07
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Script to regenerate all trust relationships for all regions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Manages trust relationships across all regions. The script is idempotent, it will only update the trust relationships
# which need to be updated and ignore the ones which are already ok.
# Example of usage:
# EC_CONFIG=qa ./bin/ --region us-east-1
# Requirements:
# ecl -
# Parameters:
# region - (optional) Used when adding a new region to an environment with multiple regions. It will make all existing
# regions trust this new region and this new region will trust all existing regions.
# The list of regions can also befiltered using EC_REGIONS.
# If not region is passed, then all regions will trust all existing regions.
# dry_run - (optional) if set to any true, don't actually add the trust relationships
# You will need to run `ecl auth --config EC_CONFIG` to provide TOTP access to ecl, or use credentials that bypass TOTP
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output, CalledProcessError, run
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
failcolor = '\033[91m'
regularcolor = '\033[0m'
base_url = '/api/v1/regions/{}/platform/configuration/trust-relationships'
def eclv1():
command = ['ecl', 'version']
version, error = run_ecl_command(command)
return 'ecl 1.' in version
def get_regions():
if eclv1():
command = ['ecl', 'platform', 'region', 'list', '--output', 'json']
command = ['ecl', 'region', 'list', '--output', 'json']
regions, error = run_ecl_command_json(command)
return regions
def download_local_trust_relationship(region):
command = ['ecl', 'api', (base_url + '/local?include_certificate=true').format(region), '--output', 'json']
response, error = run_ecl_command_json(command)
return response["public_ca_cert"]
def run_ecl_command_json(command):
output, error = run_ecl_command(command)
return json.loads(output), error
def run_ecl_command(command):
p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output, error = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
if "needs elevated permissions" in error.decode():
print("{}ERROR:{} This script needs elevated permissions. "
"You can run ecl elevate-permissions --config environment \n{}".format(failcolor, regularcolor, error.decode()))
print("{}ERROR:{} Problem running command '{}'\n{}".format(failcolor, regularcolor, ' '.join(command), error.decode()))
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print("{}ERROR:{} Problem running command '{}'\n"
"Make sure `ecl` is installed (ref:"
" and configured properly\n{}".format(failcolor, regularcolor, ' '.join(command), e))
return output if output is None else output.decode(), error if error is None else error.decode()
def download_regions_certificates(regions):
all_certificates = {}
for region in regions:
print("Downloading certificate from region: [{}]".format(region))
all_certificates[region] = download_local_trust_relationship(region)
return all_certificates
def download_regions_trust_relationships(region):
command = ['ecl', 'api', (base_url + '?include_certificate=true').format(region), '--output', 'json']
response, error = run_ecl_command_json(command)
return response["trust_relationships"]
def create_trust_relationship(from_region, to_region, certificate):
trust_relationship = {
"name" : to_region,
"trust_by_default" : True,
"public_ca_cert" : certificate
command = ['ecl', 'api', '-X', 'POST', base_url.format(from_region), '--output', 'json', '--header', 'Content-Type: application/json', '--data', json.dumps(trust_relationship)]
print(" - creating a trust relationship in {} to trust {}.".format(from_region, to_region))
created, error = run_ecl_command_json(command)
if error:
print("- {}ERROR:{} Unable to create trust relationship [{}] in [{}]. \n{}".format(failcolor, regularcolor, to_region, from_region, error))
def update_trust_relationship(tid, from_region, to_region, certificate):
trust_relationship = {
"name" : to_region,
"trust_by_default" : True,
"public_ca_cert" : certificate
command = ['ecl', 'api', '-X', 'PUT', (base_url + '/{}').format(from_region, tid), '--output', 'json', '--header', 'Content-Type: application/json', '--data', json.dumps(trust_relationship)]
print(" - updating the existing trust relationship in [{}] to trust [{}].".format(from_region, to_region))
created, error = run_ecl_command_json(command)
if error:
print("- {}ERROR:{} Unable to update trust relationship [{}] in [{}]. \n{}".format(failcolor, regularcolor, to_region, from_region, error))
def maybe_upload_trust_relationship(from_region, to_region, certificate, dry_run, existing_trust_relationships):
existing = next((x for x in existing_trust_relationships if x["name"] == to_region), None)
if existing is None:
if dry_run:
print(" - this would try to create a trust relationship in [{}] to trust [{}].".format(from_region, to_region))
create_trust_relationship(from_region, to_region, certificate)
if certificate == existing["public_ca_cert"]:
print(" - skipping [{}] since the trust relationships is already up to date.".format(to_region))
elif dry_run:
print(" - this would try to update the trust relationship in [{}] to trust [{}].".format(from_region, to_region))
update_trust_relationship(existing["id"], from_region, to_region, certificate)
def download_region_local_trust_relationships(maybe_region, dry_run):
# 1. Obtain all regions
regions = get_regions()
# 2. Obtain certificates from all regions
all_certificates = download_regions_certificates(regions)
# 3. Upload certificates to all regions (or the specified one)
for region in regions:
existing_trust_relationships = download_regions_trust_relationships(region)
print("Uploading certificates to region: [{}]".format(region))
if (maybe_region is None) or (maybe_region == region):
for r, cert in all_certificates.items():
if r != region:
maybe_upload_trust_relationship(region, r, cert, dry_run, existing_trust_relationships)
maybe_upload_trust_relationship(region, maybe_region, all_certificates[maybe_region], dry_run, existing_trust_relationships)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manages trust relationships across all regions')
parser.add_argument('--region', type=str, nargs='?', help='adds a new region to trust all existing regions and be trusted by them')
parser.add_argument('--dry_run', type=bool, nargs='?', default=False, help='if set to any true, dont actually add the trust relationships')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.region is None:
print("Propagating trust relationships across all existing regions. (Dry Run: {})".format(args.dry_run))
print("Adding trust relationships from and to region [{}]. (Dry Run: {})".format(args.region, args.dry_run))
download_region_local_trust_relationships(args.region, args.dry_run)
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