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Factor analysis for GS 240
function Y = clr(X)
% X: observation matrix, with rows represent observations, and columns
% variables
if iscolumn(X)
X = X';
d = size(X, 2);
I = eye(d);
J = ones(d);
F = I - J/d;% F is for centering variables
Y = log(X)*F';% clr transform
function [B,L,var,fac,E,r,issuccess] = J_CoDaPFA(X,s)
% FA Factor analysis (principal factoring technique)
% The reason to favour this method opposite to maximum likelihood
% (Statistics toolbox) is no distributional assumptions. In comparison to
% SPSS program, this provides the same results. We expect identical
% numerical solution, especially advantage of singular value decomposition.
% Initial estimates of communalities are set as squared multiple
% correlations. In iteration process (convergence criterium 0.001, limit
% for iteration 75), communalities are set to one if Heywood case occurs.
% The loadings are rotated (normalized varimax rotation, convergence
% criterium 0.00001, iteration limit 35). Estimate of rotated factors is
% based on regression approach.
% [B,L,var,fac,E] = FA(X,s)
% Inputs:
% X is the data matrix (columns as variables, X must have more
% than one row and more than one column).
% s is the number of extracted factors (if this parameter is
% not included, number is chosen by principal component
% criterion with eigenvalues greater than or equal to one).
% Results:
% B is the matrix of factor loadings (unrotated), last column
% of matrix B indicates an extraction estimate of
% communalities.
% L is the varimax rotated loadings matrix.
% var describes the variability proportions, last item is
% the cumulative variance proportion.
% fac is the matrix of factors.
% E is the matrix of specific variances.
% Example: From the data containing temperature, relative humidity, wind
% speed, radiation, NO/NO2 ratio and ozone gained in boundary layer
% [B,L,var] = FA(X,3)
% The number of factors extracted: 3
% Factorial number of iterations: 14
% Rotational number of iterations: 5
% B =
% -0.962 0.145 0.088 0.954
% 0.964 -0.065 -0.230 0.986
% -0.551 0.189 0.061 0.343
% -0.557 0.422 -0.444 0.685
% 0.718 0.649 0.238 0.994
% -0.975 -0.077 0.081 0.963
% L =
% -0.850 -0.308 -0.370
% 0.913 0.322 0.220
% -0.516 -0.087 -0.262
% -0.291 -0.083 -0.771
% 0.297 0.948 0.087
% -0.807 -0.495 -0.258
% var =
% 0.441 0.226 0.154 0.821
% The biggest values of rotated loadings points dependence of tempetature,
% relative humidity, wind speed and ozone in the first factor and NO/NO2
% ratio with ozone in another.
% Communalities show the biggest relation of NO/NO2 ratio to the others. Be
% careful, variances need not be in decreasing order.
% For citation ensue following format: Malec L., Skacel F., Trujillo-Ortiz
% A.(2007). FA: Factor analysis by principal factoring. A MATLAB file.
% [WWW document]. URL
% Golub G. H., Van Loan C. F.: Matrix Computations. The Johns Hopkins
% University Press, Baltimore 1996.
% Harman H. H.: Modern Factor Analysis. The University of Chicago Press,
% Chicago 1976.
% Krzanowski W. J.: Principles of Multivariate Analysis. Oxford University
% Press, Oxford 2003.
% Copyright. February 26, 2007.
[~,n] = size(X);
%% Variables standardization and evaluation of correlation matrix.
for i=1:n-1
% --------option 1-----------
%----------option 2-----------
% clrC=VV*ilrR*VV';
% R=corrcov(clrC);
%% Maximization of variance of original variables.
if any(isnan(TT)|isinf(TT))
a = svd(R,0);
% Number of factors according roots of principal components.
if nargin<2
f = a>=1;
s = sum(f);
% fprintf ('The number of factors extracted: %.i\n', s);
%% Communality estimation by coefficients of multiple correlation.
c = ones(n,1) - 1 ./ diag(pinv(R));
g = [];
% Iteration cycle which maximizes factors correlations.
for k = 1:75
[~,D,V] = svd(R - diag(diag(R)) + diag(c),0);
N = V * sqrt(D(:,1:s));
p = c;
c = sum(N.^2,2);
g = [g find(c>1)']; % Heywood case in communality estimates.
c(g) = 1;
if max(abs(c - p))<0.001
% fprintf ('Factorial number of iterations: %.i\n', k);
%% Evaluation of factor loadings and communalities estimations.
B = N;
% Normalization of factor loadings.
h = sqrt(c);
N = N ./ repmat(h,1,s);
% Initial choice of eigenvalues and loadings labelling.
L = N;
z = 0;
% Iteration cycle maximizing variance of individual columns.
for l = 1:35
[A,S,M] = svd(N' * (n * L.^3 - L * diag(sum(L.^2))),0);
L = N * A * M';
b = z;
z = sum(diag(S));
if abs(z - b)<0.00001
% fprintf ('Rotational number of iterations: %.i\n', l);
% Unnormalization of factor loadings.
L = L .* repmat(h,1,s);
%% Factors computation by regression and variance proportions.
t = sum(L.^2) / n;
var = t;
fac = stdclrdata * pinv(R) * L;
% Evaluation of given factor model variance specific matrix.
r = diag(R) - sum(L.^2,2);
E = R - L * L' - diag(r);
function Z=ilr(X)
% X: observation matrix, with rows represent observations, and columns
% variables
[N, d] = size(X);
Z = zeros(N,d-1);
for i = 1:d-1
fenzi = (prod(X(:, 1:i), 2)).^(1/i);
Z(:, i) = sqrt(i/(i + 1))*log(fenzi./X(:, i + 1));
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