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Last active March 13, 2024 14:10
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A bash alternative to kubectl drain
## This aims to be an alternative to `kubectl drain NODE`, overcoming
## some of its limitations. A GitHub issue was closed a while ago
## without any solution or alternatives.
## Even though `kubectl drain` respects PDBs defined by the user,
## single Pod Deployments can experience downtime by `kubectl drain`
## because it does not respect the Deployment rollout strategy.
## This script implements a different, though more expensive, approach
## to drain a node by forcing a `kubectl rollout restart` on all
## Deployments/StatefulSets that have pods running on that node.
## Keep in mind this will cause ALL PODS from the affected sets
## to restart, even ones that are running in other nodes that are
## not being drained. This is only helpful for single Pod Deployments
## with strategy similar to:
## strategy:
## type: RollingUpdate
## rollingUpdate:
## maxSurge: 1
## maxUnavailable: 0
## This script ignores all DaemonSets. Further more, it will not
## wait for all Pods to become READY. In other words, it won't
## wait until the node is completely drained before exiting. Keep
## watch over all affected pods after this script exits.
if [[ "$NODE_NAME" == "" ]]; then
echo "
Gracefully drain a Kubernetes node by forcing a rollout restart
on all Deployments and StatefulSets that have pods running on
that node.
# Dry run, shows the kubectl commands that would be issued
# Drains the node
./ NODE_NAME restart
Pre-requisite: Kubernetes 1.15.x or later. Needs `rollout restart`.
NODE_NAME: The name that appears in `kubectl get nodes`.
ROLLOUT_CMD: The rollout sub-command to use, usually `restart`.
exit 1
function rollout_restart() {
## Deployment or StatefulSet.
## Loop through all deploy/sts in the cluster
for dp in $(kubectl get $OBJTYPE -A --no-headers | awk '{print $1 "|" $2}'); do
NAMESPACE=$(echo $dp | sed 's/|.*//')
DEPLOY=$(echo $dp | sed 's/.*|//')
## Recover a pod list from the deploy/sts filtering the ones that match
## the node we want to drain.
SELECTOR=$(kubectl get $OBJTYPE --no-headers -owide -n $NAMESPACE $DEPLOY -owide | awk '{print $8}')
PODLIST=$(kubectl get pod -owide --no-headers -n $NAMESPACE -l "$SELECTOR" | grep $NODE_NAME | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ "$PODLIST" != "" ]]; then
## dry run echo
echo "kubectl rollout restart -n $NAMESPACE $OBJTYPE/$DEPLOY"
if [[ "$ROLLOUT_CMD" != "" ]]; then
echo ">> Rollout restart..."
echo $PODLIST | sed 's/ /\n/g'
set -x
set +x
if [[ "$ROLLOUT_CMD" == "restart" ]]; then
set -x
kubectl cordon $NODE_NAME
set +x
rollout_restart deploy
rollout_restart sts
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