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Last active September 21, 2020 22:45
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[Data Collection for Sequence Classification] #data #collection #sequence #classification #machine #learning

Building a dataset

  • Google Dataset Search
  • Kaggle

Define activities to record using Motion API

enum ActivityType: Int {
    case none, driveIt, shakeIt, chopIt

Accessing sensor data from Core Motion

import CoreMotion

Declare Core Motion properties

let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
let queue = OperationQueue()
var activityData: [String] = []

Define sampling interval for sensors

enum Config {
    static let samplesPerSecond = 25.0

Write sensor data to a file

  private func confirmSavingActivityData(_ action: UIAlertAction) {
    let dataURL = FileManager.documentDirectoryURL
    do {
      try self.activityData.appendLinesToURL(fileURL: dataURL)
      print("Data appended to \(dataURL)")
    } catch {
      print("Error appending data: \(error)")

  func enableMotionUpdates() {
    // 1
    motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 1 / Config.samplesPerSecond
    // 2
    activityData = []
    // 3
      using: .xArbitraryZVertical,
      to: queue,
      withHandler: { [weak self] motionData, error in
        // 4
        guard let self = self, let motionData = motionData else
          let errorText = error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown"
          print("Device motion update error: \(errorText)")
        // 5
        self.process(data: motionData)

  func process(data motionData: CMDeviceMotion) {
    let activity = isRecording ? currendActivity : .none
    let sample = """

Start & Stop data collection session

    case Utterances.sessionStart:
      // TODO: enable Core Motion
    case Utterances.sessionComplete:

 func disableMotionUpdates() {
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