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Created January 16, 2023 12:02
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require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
* Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Please see LICENSE file in the project root for terms.
* @license
var merge = require('merge');
* Row
* Wrapper for each row in a justified layout.
* Stores relevant values and provides methods for calculating layout of individual rows.
* @param {Object} layoutConfig - The same as that passed
* @param {Object} Initialization parameters. The following are all required:
* @param {Number} Top of row, relative to container
* @param params.left {Number} Left side of row relative to container (equal to container left padding)
* @param params.width {Number} Width of row, not including container padding
* @param params.spacing {Number} Horizontal spacing between items
* @param params.targetRowHeight {Number} Layout algorithm will aim for this row height
* @param params.targetRowHeightTolerance {Number} Row heights may vary +/- (`targetRowHeight` x `targetRowHeightTolerance`)
* @param params.edgeCaseMinRowHeight {Number} Absolute minimum row height for edge cases that cannot be resolved within tolerance.
* @param params.edgeCaseMaxRowHeight {Number} Absolute maximum row height for edge cases that cannot be resolved within tolerance.
* @param params.isBreakoutRow {Boolean} Is this row in particular one of those breakout rows? Always false if it's not that kind of photo list
* @param params.widowLayoutStyle {String} If widows are visible, how should they be laid out?
* @constructor
var Row = module.exports = function (params) {
// Top of row, relative to container =;
// Left side of row relative to container (equal to container left padding)
this.left = params.left;
// Width of row, not including container padding
this.width = params.width;
// Horizontal spacing between items
this.spacing = params.spacing;
// Row height calculation values
this.targetRowHeight = params.targetRowHeight;
this.targetRowHeightTolerance = params.targetRowHeightTolerance;
this.minAspectRatio = this.width / params.targetRowHeight * (1 - params.targetRowHeightTolerance);
this.maxAspectRatio = this.width / params.targetRowHeight * (1 + params.targetRowHeightTolerance);
// Edge case row height minimum/maximum
this.edgeCaseMinRowHeight = params.edgeCaseMinRowHeight;
this.edgeCaseMaxRowHeight = params.edgeCaseMaxRowHeight;
// Widow layout direction
this.widowLayoutStyle = params.widowLayoutStyle;
// Full width breakout rows
this.isBreakoutRow = params.isBreakoutRow;
// Store layout data for each item in row
this.items = [];
// Height remains at 0 until it's been calculated
this.height = 0;
Row.prototype = {
* Attempt to add a single item to the row.
* This is the heart of the justified algorithm.
* This method is direction-agnostic; it deals only with sizes, not positions.
* If the item fits in the row, without pushing row height beyond min/max tolerance,
* the item is added and the method returns true.
* If the item leaves row height too high, there may be room to scale it down and add another item.
* In this case, the item is added and the method returns true, but the row is incomplete.
* If the item leaves row height too short, there are too many items to fit within tolerance.
* The method will either accept or reject the new item, favoring the resulting row height closest to within tolerance.
* If the item is rejected, left/right padding will be required to fit the row height within tolerance;
* if the item is accepted, top/bottom cropping will be required to fit the row height within tolerance.
* @method addItem
* @param itemData {Object} Item layout data, containing item aspect ratio.
* @return {Boolean} True if successfully added; false if rejected.
addItem: function (itemData) {
var newItems = this.items.concat(itemData),
// Calculate aspect ratios for items only; exclude spacing
rowWidthWithoutSpacing = this.width - (newItems.length - 1) * this.spacing,
newAspectRatio = newItems.reduce(function (sum, item) {
return sum + item.aspectRatio;
}, 0),
targetAspectRatio = rowWidthWithoutSpacing / this.targetRowHeight,
// Handle big full-width breakout photos if we're doing them
if (this.isBreakoutRow) {
// Only do it if there's no other items in this row
if (this.items.length === 0) {
// Only go full width if this photo is a square or landscape
if (itemData.aspectRatio >= 1) {
// Close out the row with a full width photo
this.completeLayout(rowWidthWithoutSpacing / itemData.aspectRatio, 'justify');
return true;
if (newAspectRatio < this.minAspectRatio) {
// New aspect ratio is too narrow / scaled row height is too tall.
// Accept this item and leave row open for more items.
return true;
} else if (newAspectRatio > this.maxAspectRatio) {
// New aspect ratio is too wide / scaled row height will be too short.
// Accept item if the resulting aspect ratio is closer to target than it would be without the item.
// NOTE: Any row that falls into this block will require cropping/padding on individual items.
if (this.items.length === 0) {
// When there are no existing items, force acceptance of the new item and complete the layout.
// This is the pano special case.
this.completeLayout(rowWidthWithoutSpacing / newAspectRatio, 'justify');
return true;
// Calculate width/aspect ratio for row before adding new item
previousRowWidthWithoutSpacing = this.width - (this.items.length - 1) * this.spacing;
previousAspectRatio = this.items.reduce(function (sum, item) {
return sum + item.aspectRatio;
}, 0);
previousTargetAspectRatio = previousRowWidthWithoutSpacing / this.targetRowHeight;
if (Math.abs(newAspectRatio - targetAspectRatio) > Math.abs(previousAspectRatio - previousTargetAspectRatio)) {
// Row with new item is us farther away from target than row without; complete layout and reject item.
this.completeLayout(previousRowWidthWithoutSpacing / previousAspectRatio, 'justify');
return false;
} else {
// Row with new item is us closer to target than row without;
// accept the new item and complete the row layout.
this.completeLayout(rowWidthWithoutSpacing / newAspectRatio, 'justify');
return true;
} else {
// New aspect ratio / scaled row height is within tolerance;
// accept the new item and complete the row layout.
this.completeLayout(rowWidthWithoutSpacing / newAspectRatio, 'justify');
return true;
* Check if a row has completed its layout.
* @method isLayoutComplete
* @return {Boolean} True if complete; false if not.
isLayoutComplete: function () {
return this.height > 0;
* Set row height and compute item geometry from that height.
* Will justify items within the row unless instructed not to.
* @method completeLayout
* @param newHeight {Number} Set row height to this value.
* @param widowLayoutStyle {String} How should widows display? Supported: left | justify | center
completeLayout: function (newHeight, widowLayoutStyle) {
var itemWidthSum = this.left,
rowWidthWithoutSpacing = this.width - (this.items.length - 1) * this.spacing,
// Justify unless explicitly specified otherwise.
if (typeof widowLayoutStyle === 'undefined' || ['justify', 'center', 'left'].indexOf(widowLayoutStyle) < 0) {
widowLayoutStyle = 'left';
// Clamp row height to edge case minimum/maximum.
clampedHeight = Math.max(this.edgeCaseMinRowHeight, Math.min(newHeight, this.edgeCaseMaxRowHeight));
if (newHeight !== clampedHeight) {
// If row height was clamped, the resulting row/item aspect ratio will be off,
// so force it to fit the width (recalculate aspectRatio to match clamped height).
// NOTE: this will result in cropping/padding commensurate to the amount of clamping.
this.height = clampedHeight;
clampedToNativeRatio = (rowWidthWithoutSpacing / clampedHeight) / (rowWidthWithoutSpacing / newHeight);
} else {
// If not clamped, leave ratio at 1.0.
this.height = newHeight;
clampedToNativeRatio = 1.0;
// Compute item geometry based on newHeight.
this.items.forEach(function (item) { =;
item.width = item.aspectRatio * this.height * clampedToNativeRatio;
item.height = this.height;
// Left-to-right.
// TODO right to left
// item.left = this.width - itemWidthSum - item.width;
item.left = itemWidthSum;
// Increment width.
itemWidthSum += item.width + this.spacing;
}, this);
// If specified, ensure items fill row and distribute error
// caused by rounding width and height across all items.
if (widowLayoutStyle === 'justify') {
itemWidthSum -= (this.spacing + this.left);
errorWidthPerItem = (itemWidthSum - this.width) / this.items.length;
roundedCumulativeErrors = (item, i) {
return Math.round((i + 1) * errorWidthPerItem);
if (this.items.length === 1) {
// For rows with only one item, adjust item width to fill row.
singleItemGeometry = this.items[0];
singleItemGeometry.width -= Math.round(errorWidthPerItem);
} else {
// For rows with multiple items, adjust item width and shift items to fill the row,
// while maintaining equal spacing between items in the row.
this.items.forEach(function (item, i) {
if (i > 0) {
item.left -= roundedCumulativeErrors[i - 1];
item.width -= (roundedCumulativeErrors[i] - roundedCumulativeErrors[i - 1]);
} else {
item.width -= roundedCumulativeErrors[i];
} else if (widowLayoutStyle === 'center') {
// Center widows
centerOffset = (this.width - itemWidthSum) / 2;
this.items.forEach(function (item) {
item.left += centerOffset + this.spacing;
}, this);
* Force completion of row layout with current items.
* @method forceComplete
* @param fitToWidth {Boolean} Stretch current items to fill the row width.
* This will likely result in padding.
* @param fitToWidth {Number}
forceComplete: function (fitToWidth, rowHeight) {
// TODO Handle fitting to width
// var rowWidthWithoutSpacing = this.width - (this.items.length - 1) * this.spacing,
// currentAspectRatio = this.items.reduce(function (sum, item) {
// return sum + item.aspectRatio;
// }, 0);
if (typeof rowHeight === 'number') {
this.completeLayout(rowHeight, this.widowLayoutStyle);
} else {
// Complete using target row height.
this.completeLayout(this.targetRowHeight, this.widowLayoutStyle);
* Return layout data for items within row.
* Note: returns actual list, not a copy.
* @method getItems
* @return Layout data for items within row.
getItems: function () {
return this.items;
* @name JavaScript/NodeJS Merge v1.2.1
* @author yeikos
* @repository
* Copyright 2014 yeikos - MIT license
;(function(isNode) {
* Merge one or more objects
* @param bool? clone
* @param mixed,... arguments
* @return object
var Public = function(clone) {
return merge(clone === true, false, arguments);
}, publicName = 'merge';
* Merge two or more objects recursively
* @param bool? clone
* @param mixed,... arguments
* @return object
Public.recursive = function(clone) {
return merge(clone === true, true, arguments);
* Clone the input removing any reference
* @param mixed input
* @return mixed
Public.clone = function(input) {
var output = input,
type = typeOf(input),
index, size;
if (type === 'array') {
output = [];
size = input.length;
for (index=0;index<size;++index)
output[index] = Public.clone(input[index]);
} else if (type === 'object') {
output = {};
for (index in input)
output[index] = Public.clone(input[index]);
return output;
* Merge two objects recursively
* @param mixed input
* @param mixed extend
* @return mixed
function merge_recursive(base, extend) {
if (typeOf(base) !== 'object')
return extend;
for (var key in extend) {
if (typeOf(base[key]) === 'object' && typeOf(extend[key]) === 'object') {
base[key] = merge_recursive(base[key], extend[key]);
} else {
base[key] = extend[key];
return base;
* Merge two or more objects
* @param bool clone
* @param bool recursive
* @param array argv
* @return object
function merge(clone, recursive, argv) {
var result = argv[0],
size = argv.length;
if (clone || typeOf(result) !== 'object')
result = {};
for (var index=0;index<size;++index) {
var item = argv[index],
type = typeOf(item);
if (type !== 'object') continue;
for (var key in item) {
if (key === '__proto__') continue;
var sitem = clone ? Public.clone(item[key]) : item[key];
if (recursive) {
result[key] = merge_recursive(result[key], sitem);
} else {
result[key] = sitem;
return result;
* Get type of variable
* @param mixed input
* @return string
* @see
function typeOf(input) {
return ({}), -1).toLowerCase();
if (isNode) {
module.exports = Public;
} else {
window[publicName] = Public;
})(typeof module === 'object' && module && typeof module.exports === 'object' && module.exports);
* Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc.
* Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Please see LICENSE file in the project root for terms.
* @license
'use strict';
var merge = require('merge'),
Row = require('./row');
* Create a new, empty row.
* @method createNewRow
* @param layoutConfig {Object} The layout configuration
* @param layoutData {Object} The current state of the layout
* @return A new, empty row of the type specified by this layout.
function createNewRow(layoutConfig, layoutData) {
var isBreakoutRow;
// Work out if this is a full width breakout row
if (layoutConfig.fullWidthBreakoutRowCadence !== false) {
if (((layoutData._rows.length + 1) % layoutConfig.fullWidthBreakoutRowCadence) === 0) {
isBreakoutRow = true;
return new Row({
top: layoutData._containerHeight,
left: layoutConfig.containerPadding.left,
width: layoutConfig.containerWidth - layoutConfig.containerPadding.left - layoutConfig.containerPadding.right,
spacing: layoutConfig.boxSpacing.horizontal,
targetRowHeight: layoutConfig.targetRowHeight,
targetRowHeightTolerance: layoutConfig.targetRowHeightTolerance,
edgeCaseMinRowHeight: 0.5 * layoutConfig.targetRowHeight,
edgeCaseMaxRowHeight: 2 * layoutConfig.targetRowHeight,
rightToLeft: false,
isBreakoutRow: isBreakoutRow,
widowLayoutStyle: layoutConfig.widowLayoutStyle
* Add a completed row to the layout.
* Note: the row must have already been completed.
* @method addRow
* @param layoutConfig {Object} The layout configuration
* @param layoutData {Object} The current state of the layout
* @param row {Row} The row to add.
* @return {Array} Each item added to the row.
function addRow(layoutConfig, layoutData, row) {
layoutData._layoutItems = layoutData._layoutItems.concat(row.getItems());
// Increment the container height
layoutData._containerHeight += row.height + layoutConfig.boxSpacing.vertical;
return row.items;
* Calculate the current layout for all items in the list that require layout.
* "Layout" means geometry: position within container and size
* @method computeLayout
* @param layoutConfig {Object} The layout configuration
* @param layoutData {Object} The current state of the layout
* @param itemLayoutData {Array} Array of items to lay out, with data required to lay out each item
* @return {Object} The newly-calculated layout, containing the new container height, and lists of layout items
function computeLayout(layoutConfig, layoutData, itemLayoutData) {
var laidOutItems = [],
// Apply forced aspect ratio if specified, and set a flag.
if (layoutConfig.forceAspectRatio) {
itemLayoutData.forEach(function (itemData) {
itemData.forcedAspectRatio = true;
itemData.aspectRatio = layoutConfig.forceAspectRatio;
// Loop through the items
itemLayoutData.some(function (itemData, i) {
if (isNaN(itemData.aspectRatio)) {
throw new Error("Item " + i + " has an invalid aspect ratio");
// If not currently building up a row, make a new one.
if (!currentRow) {
currentRow = createNewRow(layoutConfig, layoutData);
// Attempt to add item to the current row.
itemAdded = currentRow.addItem(itemData);
if (currentRow.isLayoutComplete()) {
// Row is filled; add it and start a new one
laidOutItems = laidOutItems.concat(addRow(layoutConfig, layoutData, currentRow));
if (layoutData._rows.length >= layoutConfig.maxNumRows) {
currentRow = null;
return true;
currentRow = createNewRow(layoutConfig, layoutData);
// Item was rejected; add it to its own row
if (!itemAdded) {
itemAdded = currentRow.addItem(itemData);
if (currentRow.isLayoutComplete()) {
// If the rejected item fills a row on its own, add the row and start another new one
laidOutItems = laidOutItems.concat(addRow(layoutConfig, layoutData, currentRow));
if (layoutData._rows.length >= layoutConfig.maxNumRows) {
currentRow = null;
return true;
currentRow = createNewRow(layoutConfig, layoutData);
// Handle any leftover content (orphans) depending on where they lie
// in this layout update, and in the total content set.
if (currentRow && currentRow.getItems().length && layoutConfig.showWidows) {
// Last page of all content or orphan suppression is suppressed; lay out orphans.
if (layoutData._rows.length) {
// Only Match previous row's height if it exists and it isn't a breakout row
if (layoutData._rows[layoutData._rows.length - 1].isBreakoutRow) {
nextToLastRowHeight = layoutData._rows[layoutData._rows.length - 1].targetRowHeight;
} else {
nextToLastRowHeight = layoutData._rows[layoutData._rows.length - 1].height;
currentRow.forceComplete(false, nextToLastRowHeight);
} else {
// ...else use target height if there is no other row height to reference.
laidOutItems = laidOutItems.concat(addRow(layoutConfig, layoutData, currentRow));
layoutConfig._widowCount = currentRow.getItems().length;
// We need to clean up the bottom container padding
// First remove the height added for box spacing
layoutData._containerHeight = layoutData._containerHeight - layoutConfig.boxSpacing.vertical;
// Then add our bottom container padding
layoutData._containerHeight = layoutData._containerHeight + layoutConfig.containerPadding.bottom;
return {
containerHeight: layoutData._containerHeight,
widowCount: layoutConfig._widowCount,
boxes: layoutData._layoutItems
* Takes in a bunch of box data and config. Returns
* geometry to lay them out in a justified view.
* @method covertSizesToAspectRatios
* @param sizes {Array} Array of objects with widths and heights
* @return {Array} A list of aspect ratios
module.exports = function (input, config) {
var layoutConfig = {};
var layoutData = {};
// Defaults
var defaults = {
containerWidth: 1060,
containerPadding: 10,
boxSpacing: 10,
targetRowHeight: 320,
targetRowHeightTolerance: 0.25,
forceAspectRatio: false,
showWidows: true,
fullWidthBreakoutRowCadence: false,
widowLayoutStyle: 'left'
var containerPadding = {};
var boxSpacing = {};
config = config || {};
// Merge defaults and config passed in
layoutConfig = merge(defaults, config);
// Sort out padding and spacing values = (!isNaN(parseFloat( ? : layoutConfig.containerPadding;
containerPadding.right = (!isNaN(parseFloat(layoutConfig.containerPadding.right))) ? layoutConfig.containerPadding.right : layoutConfig.containerPadding;
containerPadding.bottom = (!isNaN(parseFloat(layoutConfig.containerPadding.bottom))) ? layoutConfig.containerPadding.bottom : layoutConfig.containerPadding;
containerPadding.left = (!isNaN(parseFloat(layoutConfig.containerPadding.left))) ? layoutConfig.containerPadding.left : layoutConfig.containerPadding;
boxSpacing.horizontal = (!isNaN(parseFloat(layoutConfig.boxSpacing.horizontal))) ? layoutConfig.boxSpacing.horizontal : layoutConfig.boxSpacing;
boxSpacing.vertical = (!isNaN(parseFloat(layoutConfig.boxSpacing.vertical))) ? layoutConfig.boxSpacing.vertical : layoutConfig.boxSpacing;
layoutConfig.containerPadding = containerPadding;
layoutConfig.boxSpacing = boxSpacing;
// Local
layoutData._layoutItems = [];
layoutData._awakeItems = [];
layoutData._inViewportItems = [];
layoutData._leadingOrphans = [];
layoutData._trailingOrphans = [];
layoutData._containerHeight =;
layoutData._rows = [];
layoutData._orphans = [];
layoutConfig._widowCount = 0;
// Convert widths and heights to aspect ratios if we need to
return computeLayout(layoutConfig, layoutData, (item) {
if (item.width && item.height) {
return { aspectRatio: item.width / item.height };
} else {
return { aspectRatio: item };
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