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Created February 3, 2023 13:06
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x0, y, x1, y1: \
((dx := x1 - x0, dy :=
y1-y,yi:=1,yi:=-1 if dy<0 else yi,
dy:=-dy if dy<0 else dy,d:=(2*dy)-dx,ps:=
set(),[(ps.add((x,y)),y:=y+yi,d:=d+2*(dy-dx))if d>
0 else(d:=d+2*dy)for x in range(x0,x1)]),ps)[1];pp=lambda \
ps:list(map(print, [''.join(["-"if(x, y)in ps else" "for x in range
(127)])for y in range(10)]));pp(set.union(*[l(0, 0, i, 9) for i in range(37, 127)]))
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