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Created September 30, 2022 18:55
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import enum
import math
import random as r
# Maze props
WIDTH = 33
0: (0, 0), # NO-OP (when reached target)
1: (-1, 0), # UP, subtract 1 from row
2: (1, 0), # DOWN, add 1 to row
3: (0, 1), # RIGHT, add 1 to col
4: (0, -1) # LEFT, subtract 1 from col
# MAZE is a 2D array of characters, where '#' represents an obstacle and ' ' represents an empty space
# For the GA, we'll use 1000 for obstacles and 0 for empty spaces.
# The maze is 20x33 and has a single path from start to finish
MAZE = [
'### #############################',
'### ### #### ##### ####',
'## ######## #### ##### ##',
'## ### # ############### ####',
'## ### ### # ###### ####',
'## ### # ### ### #### ####',
'########## #### ### ### #### ####',
'##### ### #### ### ### #### #',
'##### #### ### ### ## # ##',
'##### ######## # ###### ##',
'## ######## ######## ###### ##',
'##### ### ### #### ### ##',
'## ## ### ###### ####### # ##',
'## ## ### #### ### #### # ####',
'## ## ### #### ### ### ### # ####',
'## ## ### # #',
'### #### ########### ### ## ###',
'### ############ ## ###',
'### ## ###### ### #',
'###### ##########################',
# Assert Maze is valid
assert (len(MAZE) == HEIGHT), 'Maze height does not match HEIGHT'
for i in range(len(MAZE)):
assert (len(MAZE[i]) == WIDTH), 'Maze width does not match WIDTH'
# Find start and finish positions
START = (0, MAZE[0].find(' '))
FINISH = (len(MAZE) - 1, MAZE[-1].find(' '))
assert (START[1] != -1 and FINISH[1] != -1), 'Start or Finish not found'
def load_maze(string_maze: list[str]):
Read MAZE and assign values for obstacles and empty spaces
parsed_maze: list[list[int]] = []
for row in MAZE:
newRow = []
for cell in row:
newRow.append(OBSTACLE if cell == '#' else FLOOR)
return parsed_maze
def print_maze(maze: list[list[int]]):
for row in maze:
for cell in row:
if cell == OBSTACLE:
print('#', end='')
elif cell == FLOOR:
print(' ', end='')
elif cell == ILLEGAL_MOUSE:
print('X', end='')
elif cell == MOUSE:
print('O', end='')
raise ValueError('Invalid cell value')
def print_chromosome(chromosome: list[int], maze: list[list[int]]):
Print a chromosome's path throughout the maze
row, col = START
print(f'Start: {START}, Row: {row}, Col: {col}')
for move in chromosome:
move = MOVES_MAP[move]
row += move[0]
col += move[1]
print(f'Move: {move}, Row: {row}, Col: {col}')
if (row >= 0 and row < HEIGHT) and (col >= 0 and col < WIDTH):
maze[row][col] = MOUSE if maze[row][col] != OBSTACLE else ILLEGAL_MOUSE
def generate_population(population_size: int, chromosome_size: int):
Generate a population of chromosomes.
Each chromosome is a list of moves, represented by a number
mapping to the appropriate aritmetics that needs to be done
on the current position to get the next position's coordinates
population = []
for _ in range(population_size):
chromosome = [r.choice(list(MOVES_MAP.keys()))
for _ in range(chromosome_size)]
return population
def fitness(chromosome: list[int], maze: list[list[int]]):
Fitness function for the GA. The fitness of a chromosome is the
distance between the goal and the current position, plus a penalty.
Penalty is assigned when
a) the mouse hits an obstacle, and
b) when the mouse goes out of bounds
Optimal solution would then be the path with the least penalty, i.e.
the path that reaches the goal without hitting any obstacles
penalty = 0
moves = 0
col, row = START
for move_key in chromosome:
move = MOVES_MAP[move_key]
row += move[0]
col += move[1]
# Gone out of bounds, give penalty
if (row < 0 or row >= HEIGHT) or (col < 0 or col >= WIDTH):
penalty += OBSTACLE
# Hit an obstacle, give penalty
if (maze[row][col] == OBSTACLE):
penalty += OBSTACLE
# Give small penalty for moving
if move_key != 0:
moves += FLOOR
distance = abs(FINISH[0] - row) + abs(FINISH[1] - col)
return distance + penalty + moves
def fittest_chromosome(population: list[int]):
Return the fittest chromosome in the population, i.e
the chromosome with the lowest fitness score
return min(population, key=lambda x: fitness(x, MAZE))
def crossover(parent1: list[int], parent2: list[int]):
Perform crossover on two chromosomes
assert (len(parent1) == len(parent2)), 'Chromosomes must be of same length'
crossover_point = r.randint(0, len(parent1) - 1)
offspring = parent1[:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]
assert (len(offspring) == len(parent1)
), 'Offspring must be of the same length as its parents'
return offspring
def mutate(chromosome: list[int]):
Mutate a chromosome, i.e. randomly change a move the
mouse makes
if r.random() < MUTATION_RATE:
mutation_point = r.randint(0, len(chromosome) - 1)
new_move = r.choice(list(MOVES_MAP.keys()))
chromosome[mutation_point] = new_move
return chromosome
def find_fittest(population: list[list[int]], fittest_score: int, generation: int, maze: list[list[int]]) -> list[int]:
Find the optimal chromosome in the population
if fittest_score < 30000:
chromosome = fittest_chromosome(population)
return (chromosome, fittest_score, generation)
new_population = []
for _ in range(POPULATION_SIZE):
# Select two parents using Roulette Wheel Selection
total_score = sum([fitness(x, maze) for x in population])
weights = [total_score / fitness(x, maze) for x in population]
parents = r.choices(population, weights=weights, k=2)
# print(f'Fittest parents: {parents}')
# Crossover and mutate
child = crossover(parents[0], parents[1])
child = mutate(child)
fittest = fitness(fittest_chromosome(new_population), maze)
f'Generation {generation} - This gen fittest: {fittest} - Best fittest: {fittest_score}')
# Reccursively find the optimal chromosome
return find_fittest(new_population, min(
fittest, fittest_score), generation + 1, maze)
def main():
# Load maze and generate population
maze = load_maze(MAZE)
pop = generate_population(POPULATION_SIZE, CHROMOSOME_SIZE)
# Find the fittest chromosome
chromosome, score, gen = find_fittest(pop, math.inf, 0, maze)
# Print the optimal chromosome
print(f'Finished after {gen} generations')
print(f'Fittest chromosome\'s score: {score}')
print_chromosome(chromosome, maze)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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