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Created September 15, 2015 07:55
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Standard Operations

The following operations should be supported by all runtimes. A container runtime supports an operation by invoking ‘[binary name] [operation name]’.

The following examples use ‘funC’ as the runtime, an alternate runtime can be used by substituting its name where funC appears.

Standard Flags

All operations should support the following flags:

  • log: Redirects logs to the given file
  • logLevel: Sets the log level
  • id: The ID of the container. Defaults to the current directory if not specified.



funC start [bundlePath] [-id id]

Starts the container described by the bundle. The ID of the container will be the directory name of the container.


  • Standard Flags


  • funC start /path/to/bundle -id 1234-abc-def

Exit codes:

  • Exits with the exit code of the underlying process


funC exec [-id id]

Runs a secondary process in the given container.


  • processJson - a json encoded according to the definition of specs.Process


  • Standard Flags, plus:
  • —start: starts the container if neccessary


  • funC exec

Exit codes:

  • Exits with the exit code of the underlying process


funC pause [-id id]

Pauses the container, which temporarily ceases execution of all processes (but allows them to later be Resumed).


  • Standard Flags


  • funC pause

Exit code:

  • 0 on success, non-zero on error.


funC signal [-id id] [-signal SIGNAL]

Sends a signal to the container. Defaults to SIG_KILL. The Signal must be one of the valid posix signals.


  • Standard Flags


  • funC signal -id 1234-abcd-5678 -signal KILL

Exit code:

  • 0 on success, non-zero on error. A 0 exit status does not imply the process has exited (as it may have caught the signal).
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