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Hackbright Full-Stack Course - Coding Refresher

Fix My Code

Go to the Oh No! Broken Code! GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README on that page.

Fix the code to do what it asks (or improve it even further!). If you get stuck, the resources below should help:


Hackbright Full-Stack Course - Coding Refresher

Fix My Code

Go to the Oh No! Broken Code! GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README on that page.

Fix the code to do what it asks (or improve it even further!). If you get stuck, the resources below should help:


Full Stack Pre-Work

Audience: Students who are looking to brush up on the necessary skills needed to succeed in the Hackbright Academy Full-Stack Web Development Course.

Terminal skills

Goal: Be comfortable navigating the command line, including changing directory, moving files, and using command-line utilities such as curl.

Full Stack Entrance Quiz

Audience: Students who haven't completed the Front End Web Development course but have equivalent experience and want to figure out if they are ready for the Full Stack course.


  1. Create a HTML page which uses JavaScript (jQuery is fine) to print the numbers from 1 to 100 as elements in an unordered list.
  2. Using CSS, make every other item in the list (eg. all even numbers) have a different background color.
  3. Write a Python program which asks the user for their name and prints out their 'hacker' name. Their hacker name is a randomly capitalized, space-free version of their name, with letters replaced by numbers according to the following scheme: