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clock = function(max_laps=100) {
laps = numeric(max_laps)
laps[1] = Sys.time()
no_of_laps = 2
reset = function() {
no_of_laps = 1
laps <<- numeric(max_laps)
laps[no_of_laps] = Sys.time()
no_of_laps <<- 2
library("tidyverse", lib.loc="L:/RLIB")
# 1. Read in the data
Rladies<- readLines("")
Asia <-readLines("")
Europe <-readLines("")
MiddleEast <-readLines("")
jumpingrivers / logo.csv
Created January 31, 2018 14:04
Data points for the Jumping Rivers logo.
x y type
36.9 -311.45 1
67.9 -332.12 1
178.61 -155.73 1
253.89 -259.05 1
297.43 -219.2 1
329.17 -245.77 1
389.69 -173.44 1
468.66 -294.48 1
560.91 -157.94 1