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Created July 11, 2013 09:37
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This is the sample script to install the Nagios Plugins and NRPE on nagios clients, using compiling them.
#! /bin/bash
# Script to install nagios plugin and NRPE on nagios clients using downloading and compiling them.
# Step 1 --> Nagios plugins Installation
# add Nagios User with not shell access
useradd -s /sbin/nologin nagios
echo "user Nagios Added" >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# Create a direcory at /root/nrpe to hold the Nagios plugin and Nrpe downloads; Download the Nagios Plugins
mkdir /root/nrpe ; cd /root/nrpe
echo "/root/nrpe direcory created " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
echo "download of plugin completed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# Untar the plugin
tar -xvzf nagios-plugins-1.4.14.tar.gz
echo "untar of plugin complted " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# change directory to nagios-plugins
cd nagios-plugins-1.4.14
# configure the Nagios plugin
./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios
echo " configure of plugin completed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
#run make and make install
make ; make install
echo "installation of plugin complete" >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# Nagios Plugin installation completed, now change the ownership
chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/
echo "ownership of folders changed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
echo "stage1 completed " /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# Step 2 --> NRPE installation
#NRPE requires xinetd and libssl-dev so lets install it;
# On ubuntu/Debian machines
apt-get install xinetd
apt-get install libssl-dev
echo "xinted and libssl dev installed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# On Fedora machines
#yum install xinetd ; yum install openssl-devel
# Download the nrpe
cd /root/nrpe
echo "download of nrpe completed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# untar
tar -xvzf nrpe-2.12.tar.gz
echo "untar of nrpe completed" >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# change the location to nrpe base and configure and install the nrpe
cd nrpe-2.12
echo "configure of nrpe completed " /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
make all ; make install-plugin ; make install-daemon make install-daemon-config ; make install-xinetd ;
echo "make and install of nrpe completed " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# installation completed
#Now we need to configure the NRPE daemon so it will talk to our Nagios server, we'll do this buy editing /etc/xinetd.d/nrpe and adding our monitoring servers address
#Our Nagios servers internal address is
sed -i.bak 's/' /etc/xinetd.d/nrpe
echo "edit of /etc/xinetd.d/nrpe completd >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
#Define the NRPE port in /etc/services file
#echo "nrpe 5666/tcp # NRPE" | sudo tee -a /etc/services
echo "nrpe 5666/tcp # NRPE" >> /etc/services
echo "edited the /etc/services file" >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
#Restart the xinetd service
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
echo "xinetd service restarted " >> /tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
# Lets confirm whether NRPE port is open or not
echo " Checking if NRPE port is open or not. The output of netstat command should contain line indicating 5666 port is Listening"
echo ""
netstat -tanpu | grep 5666
# Done
echo ""
echo "Done"
echo "Finish .." >>/tmp/nagios_plugin_install.log
#For Fedora machines need to set add xintetd in chkconfig so that the service got started after reboot
#chkconfig xinetd on
#Nagios Download
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