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Created November 27, 2013 11:34
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Matlab dragNdrop
%% define each of these functions in separate function files
%% with file name equal to function name
function dropObject(hObject,eventdata)
global dragging ;
global orPos ;
global axisSize;
if ~isempty(dragging)
newPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
posDiff = newPos - orPos;
posDiff = posDiff.*axisSize;
%set(dragging,'Position',get(dragging,'Position') + [posDiff(1:2) 0 0]);
set(dragging,'Xdata',get(dragging,'Xdata')+[posDiff(1) posDiff(1)], ...
'Ydata',get(dragging,'Ydata')+[posDiff(2) posDiff(2)]);
dragging = [];
function moveObject(hObject,eventdata)
global dragging ;
global orPos ;
global axisSize;
if ~isempty(dragging)
newPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
posDiff = newPos - orPos;
orPos = newPos;
posDiff = posDiff.*axisSize;
%set(dragging,'Position',get(dragging,'Position') + [posDiff(1:2) 0 0]);
set(dragging,'Xdata',get(dragging,'Xdata')+[posDiff(1) posDiff(1)], ...
'Ydata',get(dragging,'Ydata')+[posDiff(2) posDiff(2)]);
function dragObject(hObject,eventdata)
global dragging;
global orPos;
dragging = hObject;
orPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
%% initilaize main file like this
f = figure('WindowButtonUpFcn',@dropObject,'units','normalized','WindowButtonMotionFcn',@moveObject);
global dragging ;
global orPos ;
global axisSize;
axisSize = 1500;
axis([0 axisSize 0 axisSize])
hold on
%% add this property to image you want to drag
ximg = imread('city.png');
h_img = image(ximg,'ButtonDownFcn',@dragObject);
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