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Miro junddao

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junddao / main.dart
Last active December 19, 2023 08:52
dart 3.0_record
// record
// 순서와 타입을 보장해 주는 자료형
void main() {
final result = nameAndAge({
'name': '하하',
'age': 20,
junddao / main.dart
Last active October 19, 2022 06:50
graph search two points
// This is a basic Flutter widget test.
// To perform an interaction with a widget in your test, use the WidgetTester
// utility in the flutter_test package. For example, you can send tap and scroll
// gestures. You can also use WidgetTester to find child widgets in the widget
// tree, read text, and verify that the values of widget properties are correct.
import 'dart:collection';
junddao / main.dart
Created October 17, 2022 13:16
leetcode 227
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
print('hello ${i + 1}');
junddao / main.dart
Created October 13, 2022 12:39
leetcode 100
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
print('hello ${i + 1}');
junddao / main.dart
Last active October 12, 2022 06:59
observer pattern sample
void main() {
Miro miro = Miro();
Student jason = Jason();
Student bera = Bera();
junddao / main.dart
Last active October 10, 2022 15:26
// This is a basic Flutter widget test.
// To perform an interaction with a widget in your test, use the WidgetTester
// utility in the flutter_test package. For example, you can send tap and scroll
// gestures. You can also use WidgetTester to find child widgets in the widget
// tree, read text, and verify that the values of widget properties are correct.
import 'dart:collection';
junddao / main.dart
Created October 10, 2022 14:23
leetcode 792
class Solution {
int numMatchingSubseq(String s, List<String> words) {
// List<String> ss = s.split('');
int result = 0;
for(String item in words){
String tempS = s;
List<String> wordsOne = item.split('');
bool isContain = false;
for(String one in wordsOne){
junddao / main.dart
Last active October 4, 2022 05:19
Binary Search Tree
* 1
* / \
* 2 3
* / \
* 4 5
* inorder (left, root, right) : 4 2 5 1 3