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Last active July 22, 2016 08:46
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Remark Git Slides

class: middle, center



??? In SVN, each developer gets a working copy that points back to a single central repository. Git, however, is a distributed version control system. Instead of a working copy, each developer gets their own local repository, complete with a full history of commits.

Having a full local history makes Git fast, since it means you don’t need a network connection to create commits, inspect previous versions of a file, or perform diffs between commits.

Distributed development also makes it easier to scale your engineering team. If someone breaks the production branch in SVN, other developers can’t check in their changes until it’s fixed. With Git, this kind of blocking doesn’t exist. Everybody can continue going about their business in their own local repositories.

And, similar to feature branches, distributed development creates a more reliable environment. Even if a developer obliterates their own repository, they can simply clone someone else’s and start anew.

class: middle, center

git init


Executing git init creates a .git subdirectory in the project root, which contains all of the necessary metadata for the repo. Aside from the .git directory, an existing project remains unaltered (unlike SVN, Git doesn't require a .git folder in every subdirectory).

Compared to SVN, the git init command is an incredibly easy way to create new version-controlled projects. Git doesn’t require you to create a repository, import files, and check out a working copy. All you have to do is cd into your project folder and run git init, and you’ll have a fully functional Git repository.

However, for most projects, git init only needs to be executed once to create a central repository—developers typically don‘t use git init to create their local repositories. Instead, they’ll usually use git clone to copy an existing repository onto their local machine.

class: middle, center

git clone


However, for most projects, git init only needs to be executed once to create a central repository—developers typically don‘t use git init to create their local repositories. Instead, they’ll usually use git clone to copy an existing repository onto their local machine.

class: middle, center

git add

??? The git add command adds a change in the working directory to the staging area. It tells Git that you want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit. However, git add doesn't really affect the repository in any significant way—changes are not actually recorded until you run git commit.

In conjunction with these commands, you'll also need git status to view the state of the working directory and the staging area.

class: middle, center

git add myfile.txt

class: middle, center

git add .


The git add command should not be confused with svn add, which adds a file to the repository. Instead, git add works on the more abstract level of changes. This means that git add needs to be called every time you alter a file, whereas svn add only needs to be called once for each file. It may sound redundant, but this workflow makes it much easier to keep a project organized. The Staging Area

The staging area is one of Git's more unique features, and it can take some time to wrap your head around it if you’re coming from an SVN (or even a Mercurial) background. It helps to think of it as a buffer between the working directory and the project history.

Instead of committing all of the changes you've made since the last commit, the stage lets you group related changes into highly focused snapshots before actually committing it to the project history. This means you can make all sorts of edits to unrelated files, then go back and split them up into logical commits by adding related changes to the stage and commit them piece-by-piece. As in any revision control system, it’s important to create atomic commits so that it’s easy to track down bugs and revert changes with minimal impact on the rest of the project.

class: middle, center

git commit


launches text editor for commit message. commits staged changes

class: middle, center

git commit -m 'some commit message'


committed to the local repository. This is fundamentally different from SVN, wherein the working copy is committed to the central repository. In contrast, Git doesn’t force you to interact with the central repository until you’re ready. Just as the staging area is a buffer between the working directory and the project history, each developer’s local repository is a buffer between their contributions and the central repository.

This changes the basic development model for Git users. Instead of making a change and committing it directly to the central repo, Git developers have the opportunity to accumulate commits in their local repo. This has many advantages over SVN-style collaboration: it makes it easier to split up a feature into atomic commits, keep related commits grouped together, and clean up local history before publishing it to the central repository. It also lets developers work in an isolated environment, deferring integration until they’re at a convenient break point.

Whereas SVN tracks differences of a file, Git’s version control model is based on snapshots. For example, an SVN commit consists of a diff compared to the original file added to the repository. Git, on the other hand, records the entire contents of each file in every commit.

This makes many Git operations much faster than SVN, since a particular version of a file doesn’t have to be “assembled” from its diffs—the complete revision of each file is immediately available from Git's internal database.

git status

# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

class: middle, center

git status


Untracked files typically fall into two categories. They‘re either files that have just been added to the project and haven’t been committed yet, or they're compiled binaries like .pyc, .obj, .exe, etc. While it's definitely beneficial to include the former in the git status output, the latter can make it hard to see what’s actually going on in your repository.

For this reason, Git lets you completely ignore files by placing paths in a special file called .gitignore. Any files that you'd like to ignore should be included on a separate line, and the * symbol can be used as a wildcard.

git status

# Edit
git status
# is listed under "Changes not staged for commit"
git add
git status
# is listed under "Changes to be committed"
git commit
git status
# nothing to commit (working directory clean)

class: middle, center

git log

class: middle, center

git log -n

class: middle, center

git log --oneline

class: middle, center

git log --grep="some regex"

class: middle, center

git log ..


Here you would specify a range of commits to display. since and until are the commit IDs These are SHA-1 Hashes

class: middle, center



HEAD always refers to the current commit, be it a branch or a specific commit.

class: middle, center



Relative. Refers to the commit before the current one. Useful for diffing the last commit

class: middle, center

git diff HEAD~1

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