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Estimate bytes for bitcoin transactions
// Usage:
// getByteCount({'MULTISIG-P2SH:2-4':45},{'P2PKH':1}) Means "45 inputs of P2SH Multisig and 1 output of P2PKH"
// getByteCount({'P2PKH':1,'MULTISIG-P2SH:2-3':2},{'P2PKH':2}) means "1 P2PKH input and 2 Multisig P2SH (2 of 3) inputs along with 2 P2PKH outputs"
function getByteCount(inputs, outputs) {
var totalWeight = 0
var hasWitness = false
var inputCount = 0
var outputCount = 0
// assumes compressed pubkeys in all cases.
var types = {
// MULTISIG-* do not include pubkeys or signatures yet (this is calculated at runtime)
// sigs = 73 and pubkeys = 34 (these include pushdata byte)
'inputs': {
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:3(max))
// + (script_bytes(OP_0,PUSHDATA(max:3),m,n,CHECK_MULTISIG):5)
'MULTISIG-P2SH': 51 * 4,
// Segwit: (push_count:1) + (script_bytes(OP_0,PUSHDATA(max:3),m,n,CHECK_MULTISIG):5)
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1)
'MULTISIG-P2WSH': 8 + (41 * 4),
// Segwit: (push_count:1) + (script_bytes(OP_0,PUSHDATA(max:3),m,n,CHECK_MULTISIG):5)
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1) + (p2wsh:35)
'MULTISIG-P2SH-P2WSH': 8 + (76 * 4),
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1) + (sig:73) + (pubkey:34)
'P2PKH': 148 * 4,
// Segwit: (push_count:1) + (sig:73) + (pubkey:34)
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1)
'P2WPKH': 108 + (41 * 4),
// Segwit: (push_count:1) + (sig:73) + (pubkey:34)
// Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1) + (p2wpkh:23)
'P2SH-P2WPKH': 108 + (64 * 4)
'outputs': {
// (p2sh:24) + (amount:8)
'P2SH': 32 * 4,
// (p2pkh:26) + (amount:8)
'P2PKH': 34 * 4,
// (p2wpkh:23) + (amount:8)
'P2WPKH': 31 * 4,
// (p2wsh:35) + (amount:8)
'P2WSH': 43 * 4
function checkUInt53 (n) {
if (n < 0 || n > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || n % 1 !== 0) throw new RangeError('value out of range')
function varIntLength (number) {
return (
number < 0xfd ? 1
: number <= 0xffff ? 3
: number <= 0xffffffff ? 5
: 9
Object.keys(inputs).forEach(function(key) {
if (key.slice(0,8) === 'MULTISIG') {
// ex. "MULTISIG-P2SH:2-3" would mean 2 of 3 P2SH MULTISIG
var keyParts = key.split(':')
if (keyParts.length !== 2) throw new Error('invalid input: ' + key)
var newKey = keyParts[0]
var mAndN = keyParts[1].split('-').map(function (item) { return parseInt(item) })
totalWeight += types.inputs[newKey] * inputs[key]
var multiplyer = (newKey === 'MULTISIG-P2SH') ? 4 : 1
totalWeight += ((73 * mAndN[0]) + (34 * mAndN[1])) * multiplyer * inputs[key]
} else {
totalWeight += types.inputs[key] * inputs[key]
inputCount += inputs[key]
if (key.indexOf('W') >= 0) hasWitness = true
Object.keys(outputs).forEach(function(key) {
totalWeight += types.outputs[key] * outputs[key]
outputCount += outputs[key]
if (hasWitness) totalWeight += 2
totalWeight += 8 * 4
totalWeight += varIntLength(inputCount) * 4
totalWeight += varIntLength(outputCount) * 4
return Math.ceil(totalWeight / 4)
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junderw commented Dec 29, 2020

Reason: When using p2sh or p2wsh "wrapping" scripts, they are the only one in the output. the redeemscript/witnessscript will be in the input of the spending transaction (which is irrelevant to estimating byte size of THIS transaction)

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junderw commented Dec 29, 2020

@bajian let me know if you have any questions.

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bajian commented Dec 29, 2020

Oh, I see. Thanks ! @junderw

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landabaso commented Mar 4, 2022

Nice tool!

I understand this covers quite a few common cases. I'm wondering how could one extend this tool to compute sizes for other stuff.
Timelocks for example.

What if the transaction spends a P2WSH (or P2SH) where the locking script is a timelock?

For example, Alice can sign after relative timelock expires: AliceSignature TRUE. Or Both Alice and Bob must agree to sign before time lock expires: AliceSignature BobSignature FALSE.

This would be the locking script:


How could one estimate the size for AliceSignature TRUE and AliceSignature BobSignature FALSE scripts with P2SH/P2WSH for example? And how compute the size of the script itself?

I imagine each signature has a fixed size and the TRUE or FALSE OPs also have a fixed size. Also one could compile the script and see the size. Is that correct? I have the feeling it's not as easy as adding these values. Is it?

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junderw commented Mar 4, 2022

Well, first you'd count the bytes of the script:

5    ${relativeLockTime}
1    OP_DROP
34    ${bobPubKey}
34 ${alicePubKey}

80 bytes for the script.

Now for the spend paths:

73 ${aliceSig}


73 ${aliceSig}
73 ${bobSig}

So 74 or 147 bytes.

Then look at the comments to get an idea of what other things to include in the calculation.

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I get the idea. Thanks @junderw !

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educob commented Oct 30, 2022

Hi Jonathan.

I have run the method with inputs: { P2WPKH: 2 } & outputs: { P2PKH: 1, P2WPKH: 1} and it returns 181 bytes.
But when I create the tx and call: const size = tx.virtualSize() I get 211.

Why are they different?


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junderw commented Oct 31, 2022

Show me the raw transaction, please.

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educob commented Nov 22, 2022


This is my take on computing bytes for a SCRIPT-P2WSH.
I've run the method for 3 scripts and for 2 it gave the exact amount. In the 3rd if fails 11 bytes short.
The script that failed was the andreas antonopoulos one with script bytes: 196 bytes and path bytes (IF-IF path): 149 bytes

it has to be called:
getByteCount( { "SCRIPT:xxx-yyy": 1}, outputs)
where xxx is the locking script bytes taken from:

const script = bitcoin.script.compile(script) 
const scriptBytes = script.length

yyy: is the path (unlocking script) bytes.

These are the updates on the getCountBytes method.

var types = {
        // MULTISIG-* do not include pubkeys or signatures yet (this is calculated at runtime)
        // sigs = 73 and pubkeys = 34 (these include pushdata byte)
        'inputs': {
          // Non-segwit: (txid:32) + (vout:4) + (sequence:4) + (script_len:1) = 41. utxo 
          'SCRIPT': 41 * 4 + 4, // + 4 comes from real txs.


Object.keys(inputs).forEach(function(key) {
      if (key.slice(0,6) === 'SCRIPT') {
        var keyParts = key.split(':')
        if (keyParts.length !== 2) throw new Error('invalid input: ' + key)
        var newKey = keyParts[0]
        var scriptAndPath = keyParts[1].split('-').map(function (item) { return parseInt(item) })
        totalWeight += types.inputs[newKey] * inputs[key]
        totalWeight += (scriptAndPath[0] + scriptAndPath[1]) * inputs[key]
      } else if (key.slice(0,8) === 'MULTISIG') {

I would appreciate comments.

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plz how to getByteCount with PT2R

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landabaso commented Nov 14, 2023

I've been reviewing this script for using it to calculate the total transaction weight for combining SegWit + non-Segwit inputs. My understanding from reading the BIPs is that in a transaction with hasWitness, a single byte is then also required for non-witness inputs to encode the length of the empty witness stack: encodeLength(0) + 0 = 1.

bitcoinjs-lib seems to have specific handling for this: bitcoinjs-lib transaction.ts L228.

Should the weight calculation be modified to better account for the size of the witness data for each input? Something along this (at the end of the snippet):

if (hasWitness) totalWeight += inputs.length;

Note this might not be entirely correct since the witness data size for SegWit inputs might vary, requiring more than one byte for encoding the length of the witness stack.

(EDIT: The witness stack size is already taken into account but only for segwit inputs. I believe the +1 byte is still missing for non-Segwit inputs if hasWitness).

I'm aware there could be nuances I'm missing, and I'd value your perspective on this matter...

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