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Last active July 28, 2023 03:44
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Get Disk Space PowerShell Function
param (
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
# Drive type lookup table
$driveType = @{
0 = 'Unknown'
1 = 'No Root Directory'
2 = 'Removable Disk'
3 = 'Local Disk'
4 = 'Network Drive'
5 = 'Compact Disc'
6 = 'RAM Disk'
$result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
try {
if ($localLogicalDisks = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $computer -Property * -ErrorAction Stop) {
if (($localLogicalDisks.DriveType) -notcontains 4) {
if ($mappedLogicalDisks = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -ComputerName $computer -Property * -ErrorAction Stop) {
catch {
"[ERROR][$computer] : $($_.exception.message)" | Out-Default
if ($result) {
$result | ForEach-Object {
ComputerName = $_.SystemName
DeviceID = $_.DeviceID
VolumeName = $_.VolumeName
DriveType = $(
if ($_.DriveType) {
else {
SizeGB = $([System.Math]::Round(($_.Size / 1GB), 2))
UsedSpaceGB = $([System.Math]::Round((($_.Size - $_.FreeSpace) / 1GB), 2))
FreeSpaceGB = $([System.Math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace / 1GB), 2))
FreeSpacePercent = $([System.Math]::Round((($_.FreeSpace / $_.Size) * 100), 2))
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