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Last active May 10, 2023 15:50
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Plugin completion using VimAwesome API
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! VimAwesomeComplete() abort
let prefix = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1), '[.a-zA-Z0-9_/-]*$')
echohl WarningMsg
echo 'Downloading plugin list from VimAwesome'
echohl None
ruby << EOF
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
query = VIM::evaluate('prefix').gsub('/', '%20')
items = 1.upto(max_pages = 3).map do |page| do
url = "{page}&query=#{query}"
data = open(url).read
json = JSON.parse(data, symbolize_names: true)
json[:plugins].map do |info|
pair = info.values_at :github_owner, :github_repo_name
next if pair.any? { |e| e.nil? || e.empty? }
{word: pair.join('/'),
menu: info[:category].to_s,
info: info.values_at(:short_desc, :author).compact.join($/)}
VIM::command("let cands = #{JSON.dump items}")
if !empty(cands)
inoremap <buffer> <c-v> <c-n>
augroup _VimAwesomeComplete
autocmd CursorMovedI,InsertLeave * iunmap <buffer> <c-v>
\| autocmd! _VimAwesomeComplete
augroup END
call complete(col('.') - strchars(prefix), cands)
return ''
augroup VimAwesomeComplete
autocmd FileType vim inoremap <c-x><c-v> <c-r>=VimAwesomeComplete()<cr>
augroup END
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@junegunn Ah damn, seems their main dev(s) got busy. Should probably give em a hand, do love that site. The duping problem is a real bummer.

Separately, have you ruled out ever adding PlugSearch or just didn't because wasn't great to search against?

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@starcraftman In my opinion, no longer functions as the central repository. I don't even publish my plugins there anymore. Regarding the command, I know that some people want PluginSearch equivalent in vim-plug, but I personally don't see the point of it. Don't we all have web browsers? :) Also I don't think it has to be a part of vim-plug, it can be a separate plugin.

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Yeah, I think it should be a plugin of its own, doesn't have to be limited to a specific plugin manager.

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@junegunn I guess your right. Separate plugin makes most sense, searching isn't really part of plugin management.

Do hope VimAwesome isn't abandoned. Only just realized Gundo hadn't gotten a patch in a year. Sad when good software falls by wayside. :/

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mhinz commented May 16, 2015

@junegunn Neat! :-)

@starcraftman If it's still working for you, by all means, keep it. Otherwise I enjoy using

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VimAwesome isn't dead, though the main developer (@divad12) does seem to be busy. There was a bit of activity a couple of months ago, and he was quick to respond to pull requests. I can't speak for the project or its maintainers, but I'd guess that pull requests would be well received based on my limited experience with it.

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craigp commented May 18, 2015

This is epic

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where should i put the file (vimawesome.vim) in case to combine with my vundle ?
is there a for installing this ?

u're awesome dude!!

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@mirzalazuardi Place the file in ~/.vim/plugin directory or simply paste the code onto your .vimrc.

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@junegunn, when I tried using this, it was failing for me with some Open.uri from kernel is deprecated. I did a little bit of searching and fixed it by only using instead of open(URL).

Here is the updated code:

" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! VimAwesomeComplete() abort
  let prefix = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1), '[.a-zA-Z0-9_/-]*$')
  echohl WarningMsg
  echo 'Downloading plugin list from VimAwesome'
  echohl None
ruby << EOF
  require 'json'
  require 'open-uri'

  query = VIM::evaluate('prefix').gsub('/', '%20')
  items = 1.upto(max_pages = 3).map do |page| do
      url  = "{page}&query=#{query}"
      data =
      json = JSON.parse(data, symbolize_names: true)
      json[:plugins].map do |info|
        pair = info.values_at :github_owner, :github_repo_name
        next if pair.any? { |e| e.nil? || e.empty? }
        {word: pair.join('/'),
         menu: info[:category].to_s,
         info: info.values_at(:short_desc, :author).compact.join($/)}
  VIM::command("let cands = #{JSON.dump items}")
  if !empty(cands)
    inoremap <buffer> <c-v> <c-n>
    augroup _VimAwesomeComplete
      autocmd CursorMovedI,InsertLeave * iunmap <buffer> <c-v>
            \| autocmd! _VimAwesomeComplete
    augroup END

    call complete(col('.') - strchars(prefix), cands)
  return ''

augroup VimAwesomeComplete
  autocmd FileType vim inoremap <c-x><c-v> <c-r>=VimAwesomeComplete()<cr>
augroup END

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I'm using your script and gvim on Windows shows message:

[vim-plug] vim - Invalid argument: vim - (implicit vim-scripts expansion is deprecated)

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