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Last active June 26, 2018 06:38
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slick tabel mapping 자동 증가 컬럼 대응

오라클 드라이버로는 returning을 사용해서 multiple column을 가져오는 게 가능했는데, MySQL은 왜인지 적용이 안되고, insert문 자체가 실행이 안됨.

import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api._
import scala.concurrent.Future
object Tables {
// Connect with MySQL DB
val db = Database.forConfig("slick.dbs.target_db.db")
implicit val localDateTimeToDate = MappedColumnType.base[LocalDateTime, Timestamp](
l => Timestamp.valueOf(l),
t => t.toLocalDateTime
lazy val tableTestTables = TableQuery[TableEntities]
type Raw = (Option[Int], String, String, Option[LocalDateTime])
def construct: Raw => TestTable = {
case (Some(id), desc, uuid, Some(created)) => TestTable(id, desc, uuid, created) // SELECT
def extract: PartialFunction[TestTable, Raw] = {
case TestTable(-1, desc, uuid, _) => (None, desc, uuid, None) // INSERT
case TestTable(id, desc, uuid, created) => (Some(id), desc, uuid, None) // UPDATE
class TableEntities(tag:Tag) extends Table[TestTable](tag, "tbl_test") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def desc = column[String]("desc")
def uuid = column[String]("uuid")
def created = column[LocalDateTime]("created", O.AutoInc)
override def * = (id.?, desc, uuid, created.?) <> (construct, extract.lift)
// return 할 때, id 외에 created도 하면 isert가 안됨. id
def create(desc: String, uuid: String): Future[Option[TestTable]] = {
val insertQuery = tableTestTables
.into((item, auto) => item.copy(id = auto))
for {
inserted <- += TestTable(-1, desc, uuid,
createdData <- => ===
} yield createdData
case class TestTable(
id: Int,
desc: String,
uuid: String,
created: LocalDateTime
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