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Forked from TheBB/
Created January 24, 2024 22:02
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SPC (Jump to word)

TAB (Previous buffer visible in window)

! (Run shell command)

’ (Pop up shell)

* / (Search in project)

0,1,…,9 (Jump to window)

: (Run M-x)

; (Comment operator)

? (Helm session with keybindings)

` (Skip backwards in avy jump list)

Consider using C-o instead.

F1: Fuzzy search among things

a: Applications

c: Calculator

d: Deer (file tree navigator)

E: Emojis

G: Games

i: IRC

m: Music (Spotify)

o: Org

p: Processes

P: Package list

r: Ranger

s: Shells

u: Undo tree visualize

b: Buffers

. (Micro state)

b: Helm mini

B: IBuffer

d: Delete buffer

e: Erase buffer contents

h: Go to Spacemacs home

k: Kill buffer with ido

K: Kill all other buffers

m: Move buffer across windows

M: Ace swap buffer in windows

n p: Next or previous (useful) buffer

P Y: Paste or copy clipboard to or from buffer

R: Revert to data on disk

s: Switch to scratch buffer

w: Toggle read only

C-k: Kill buffers matching regular expression

c: Compilation and commenting

c: Helm compile

C: Compile

r: Recompile

l L: Comment line (or invert)

p P: Comment paragraph (or invert)

t T: Comment to the line (or invert)

y Y: Copy and comment

C: Capture and colors

c: Org capture (see also SPC aoc)

l: Helm colors

t T: Ort capture

e: Errors

h: Describe syntax checker

l: Toggle error list buffer

n, N, p: Jump between errors

Consider using [l and ]l from the unimpaired layer

s, S: Select checker (and executable)

v: Verify flycheck setup

f: Files


d: Directories

f: Files

s: Files and directories

c: Write buffer to new filename

C: Convert line endings

d: To DOS

u: To UNIX

D: Delete buffer and file

e: Emacs configuration-related stuff

d: Go to (Spacemacs) dotfile

D: Ediff dotfile changes

f: Spacemacs FAQ helm source

h: Spacemacs Helm

i: Spacemacs init file

R: Synchronize dotfile

v: Show and copy Spacemacs version

f: Find files

F: Find files (look at point for initial guess)

g: Grep

j: Open dired and move point to given file

J: Open junk file

l: Open file literally

L: Locate

o: Open in external app

r: Recent files

R: Rename file

s: Write buffer to file (save)

S: Write all buffers to file

t: Neotree

v: Variables

d: Add directory local variable

f: Add file local variable

p: Add file local variable (alternative format)

y: Show and copy filename

g: Git

.: VCS microstate

b: Git blame microstate

c: Git commit

C: Git checkout

d: Git diff

D: Git diff between HEAD and working tree

e: Ediff

E: Ediff between HEAD and working tree

f: Git fetch

F: Git pull

g: Gists

b/B: Buffer (private)

l: List gists

r/R: Region (private)

h: Github

c/C: Go to (or copy) github URL to commit at point (by hash)

l/L: Go to (or copy) github URL to point

o: Open file in github

C-c: Clone github repo

H: Highlight

c: Clear

h: By age of change

t: By last update time

i: Git init

I: Git ignore patterns

l: Git log

L: Git log for current file

m: Show last commit message at point

P: Push

s: Magit status

S/U: Stage or unstage whole file

t: Git time-machine microstate

h: Help

RET: Enable minor mode

SPC: Spacemacs Helm

b: Helm bookmarks

d: Describe

c: Character

f: Function

F: Face

k: Key

m: Mode

p: Package

s: System

t: Theme

v: Variable

i: Info at point

k: Which-key top level

l: Resume last helm session

L: Helm locate (elisp) library

m: Man pages

M: Helm major mode

T: Evil tutorial

i: Insert

e: Emojis

j, J, k, K: Insert line above or below

Consider using [ SPC and ] SPC from the unimpaired layer.

l: Lorem ipsum text

l: List items

p: Paragraphs

s: Sentences

s: Helm yasnippets

S: WTF???? (Auto-yasnippet)

u: Helm unicode characters

j: Join and split

=: Reindent

h, l: Pushes mark and go to beginning or end of line

j: Insert a newline

J: Split sexp and insert a newline

k: Go to next line and indent

o: Open new line above

J: Split sexp

k: Evil lisp state

Works like a microstate.

.: Enter lisp state without a command

$, 0: End or beginning of sexp

(, ): Insert sexp before or after (and leave lisp state)

`: Hybrid

k: Kill to end of line and leave parens balanced

p: Push hybrid sexp

s: Slurp hybrid sexp

t: Transpose hybrid sexp

a: Absorb sexp

b, B: Barf forward or backward

c: Convolute sexps

d: Delete foward

s: Symbol

w: To end of word

x: Sexp

D: Delete backward

s: Symbol

w: To end of word

x: Sexp

e, E: Delete to end of sexp (forward and backward) and splice

h, l: Previous and next symbol (without regard for sexps)

H, L, Previous and next sexp (on the same level)

j, k: Next closing paren or previous opening paren

J: Join sexps before and after point

r: Raise sexp (substitute parent sexp with this one)

s, S: Slurp forward or backward

t: Transpose sexp (move sexp before previous one)

U: Go to beginning of parent sexp

w, W: Wrap or unwrap sexp in parens

y: Copy sexp

i, I, p, P, u, v, V, C-r, C-v, ESC: Same thing as in normal state

l: Layouts

0-9: Switch to layout by number

TAB: Switch to previous layout

a: Add a buffer to the current layout

A: Add all buffers from another layout

b: List buffers in the current layout

c: Close layout (don’t kill buffers)

C: Close other layouts (don’t kill buffers)

h: Go to home layout

l: List layouts or create a new one

L: Load layouts from file

n, C-l: Next layout

N, p, C-h: Previous layout

o: Open a custom layout

r: Remove buffer from layout

R: Rename layout

s: Save all layouts to file

S: Save specific layouts to file

t: Show buffer without adding it to the layout


x: Kill layout with buffers

X: Kill other layouts with buffers

n: Narrowing/numbers

+/=/-: Increase or decrease number at point

,/.: Scroll by full pages

>,<: Scroll by half pages

f: Narrow to function

p: Confuse user (narrow to page)

r: Narrow to region

w: Widen

p: Projects

!: Run shell command in project root

&: Run asynchronous shell command in project root

a: Switch between implementation and test file

b: List buffers in project

c: Compile in project root

d: Directories in a project

D: Open dired/ranger in project root

f: Files in a project

G: Regenerate tags

h: Helm projectile (all-in-one)

I: Invalidate cache

k: Kill buffers in project

o: Projectile multi-occur (search in project buffers)

p: List of projects

r: Recent file in project

R: Project-wide search and replace

t: Neotree in project root

T: Find test file (cmp. SPC p a)

v: Open VC status window

y: Find tag

q: Quitting

d: Restart Emacs with –debug-init

D: Restart Emacs with only selected packages

q: “Safe” quit (ask about changes)

Q: “Unsafe” quit (don’t ask)

r: Quit and restart, reopen buffers

R: Quit and restart

s: Save buffers and exit

z: Kill frame

r: Registers, ring, resume

e: Show registers with evil

l: Resume last helm session

m: Show all marks by line

r: Show registers with helm

s: Resume last search

y: Helm kill ring

s: Searching

`: Helm-ag pop stack

b: Search through all opened buffers

B: Search through all opened buffers (default input)

c: Clear evil search highlights

e: Evil iedit state

f: Search through arbitrary path

F: Search through arbitrary path (default input)

h: Symbol highlight transient state

H: Resume last AHS transient state

j: Helm semantic/imenu

l: Same as SPC r s

p: Same as SPC /

P: Same as SPC *

s: Helm swoop

S: Helm swoop (default input)

w: Web

g: Google suggestions

w: Wikipedia suggestions

C-s: Helm swoop (all buffers)

a/g/k/t: Search with specific tool

a: Search in this file

A: Search in this file (use region as pattern)

b/B: Same as SPC s b/B (except with specific tool)

f/F: Same as SPC s f/F (except with specific tool)

p/P: Same as SPC / or * (except with specific tool)

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