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Last active February 5, 2019 05:49
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AngularJS unit testing snippet compilation
// This is only a code snippet and should only provide a guide of testing scenarios.
describe('rmaLeasingLocationAwards', () => {
let $q;
let $componentController;
let $rootScope;
let controller;
beforeEach(() => {
inject((_$q_, _$componentController_, _$rootScope_) => {
$componentController = _$componentController_;
$q = _$q_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
// initialize the controller with corresponding services, providers
controller = $componentController('rmaLeasingLocationAwards', {});
// This is only a code snippet and should only provide a guide of testing scenarios.
describe('rmaSalesLocationFilter', () => {
let $q;
let $componentController;
let $rootScope;
let controller;
let stubLeasingReviewService;
beforeEach(() => {
// sample of spying object using Jasmine
stubSalesLocationService = jasmine.createSpyObj('SalesLocationService', ['getLocationAgents']);
stubTranslate = jasmine.createSpy();
inject((_$q_, _$componentController_, _$rootScope_) => {
$componentController = _$componentController_;
$q = _$q_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
// sample of stubbing a method with returned Promise using Sinon
stubLeasingReviewService = {
getSimilarReviews: sinon.stub().returns($q.defer().promise)
// sample of spying a method with returned Promise
Vendor: 'mickey mouse'
// sample of stubbing a moment function using Sinon
stubMoment = sinon.stub().returns({
fromNow: sinon.stub().returns('3 months ago')
// sample of stub method with returned Promise
// initialize the controller with corresponding services, providers
controller = $componentController('rmaSimilarReviews', {
SalesLocationService: stubSalesLocationService,
stubLeasingReviewService: stubLeasingReviewService,
moment: stubMoment
describe('onInit', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
controller.getSimilarReviews = sinon.spy();
it('should getSimilarReviews get called', () => {
describe('getSimilarReviews', () => {
it('should isReviewsDisplay false if no result', () => {
const result = [];
// always rerender component when stubbing a method with returned Promise to apply the changes
describe('SalesLocationSErvice', () => {
let targetService;
let stubStateParams = {};
let stubTranslate = {};
let stubrmaHttpService = {};
let stubrmaProperties = {};
let stubPropertyListingsService = {};
let stubSponsoredService = {};
let stubMetaService = {};
let stubAutoSearchApiService = {};
let stubAgentShortlistService = {};
let stubProfilePaginationService = {};
let stubFeatureProviderService = {};
beforeEach(() => {
angular.mock.module(($provide) => {
$provide.value('$stateParams', stubStateParams);
$provide.value('$translate', stubTranslate);
$provide.value('rmaHttpService', stubrmaHttpService);
$provide.value('rmaProperties', stubrmaProperties);
$provide.value('PropertyListingsService', stubPropertyListingsService);
$provide.value('SponsoredService', stubSponsoredService);
$provide.value('MetaService', stubMetaService);
$provide.value('AutoSearchApiService', stubAutoSearchApiService);
$provide.value('AgentShortlistService', stubAgentShortlistService);
$provide.value('ProfilePaginationService', stubProfilePaginationService);
$provide.value('FeatureProviderService', stubFeatureProviderService);
inject((SalesLocationService) => {
targetService = SalesLocationService;
describe('setDefaultStatisticsType', () => {
let stateParams, location;
beforeEach(() => {
stateParams = { OrderBy: '' };
location = { ReviewCount: 5, TotalSales: 5 };
it('should have correct statistics type if there are no reviews', () => {
let expectedValue = 'SoldListings';
location.ReviewCount = 0;
expect(targetService.setDefaultStatisticsType(stateParams, location)).toBe(expectedValue);
it('should have correct statistics type if there are no reviews and total sales', () => {
let expectedValue = 'ActiveListings';
location.ReviewCount = 0;
location.TotalSales = 0;
expect(targetService.setDefaultStatisticsType(stateParams, location)).toBe(expectedValue);
it('should have correct statistics type if there is state params and reviews', () => {
let expectedValue = 'TotalRecommendations';
stateParams = { OrderBy: expectedValue };
expect(targetService.setDefaultStatisticsType(stateParams, location)).toBe(expectedValue);
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