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Last active December 9, 2017 11:49
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Compilation of snippets for testing Redux actions.
import * as React from 'react';
import { expect, assert } from 'chai';
import { mount, render, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import * as sinon from 'Sinon';
import { AttendanceActionCreators } from './path/to/actions';
import { AttendanceReducer } from './path/to/reducer';
import { IAttendState } from './path/to/types';
import { Service } from './path/to/service';
describe('Action Test', () =>
var defaultState:IAttendState = {
State: AttendanceReducer(undefined, undefined)
var server;
var sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
var dispatch;
var spyDispatch: sinon.SinonSpy;
beforeEach(() =>
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
dispatch = { Dispatch: payload => { } };
spyDispatch = sandbox.spy(dispatch, "Dispatch");
afterEach(function ()
it('Dispatch actions properly', () =>
// Pre
var testState = Object.assign({}, defaultState);
var expectedCustomerId:number = 1;
var expectedInit = sandbox.spy(AttendanceActionCreators, 'InitStore'); // mock the action thunk method.
var expectedService = sandbox.spy(Service, "LoadClasses"); // mock the service api call.
// Execute
AttendanceActionCreators.InitStore(expectedCustomerId)(dispatch.Dispatch, () => testState); // execute the action thunk.
// Test
// Test dispatched action types and values.
expect(spyDispatch.firstCall.args[0].type).to.equal("COA_SetCustomerId", 'Action type is not COA_SetCustomerId.');
expect(spyDispatch.firstCall.args[0].value).to.equal(expectedCustomerId, 'Wrong expected customer id.');
expect(expectedInit.calledOnce).to.equal(true, 'Action not called once.');
expect(spyDispatch.secondCall.args[0].type).to.equal('COA_SetServiceFilterList', 'Type is not correct.');
expect(expectedService.calledOnce).equals(true, 'Service not called once.');
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