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Last active October 18, 2017 01:06
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Compilation of snippets for a testing React components.
import * as React from 'react';
import * as sinon from 'Sinon';
import { expect, assert } from 'chai';
import { mount, render, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { ModalComponent } from './path/of/my/modal/component';
import * as Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button';
import * as ModalFooter from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ModalFooter';
import * as ModalBody from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ModalBody';
import * as Modal from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Modal';
describe('<MyModalComponent />', () =>
var server;
var sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
var dispatch;
var spyDispatch;
beforeEach(() =>
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
dispatch = { Dispatch: payload => { } };
spyDispatch = sandbox.spy(dispatch, "Dispatch");
afterEach(function ()
var getModalProps = (): IModalProps =>
return {
Title: '',
ShowDialog: true,
DocumentList: [],
OnClose: (aborted:boolean) => {},
// Sample to check Id. Check the documentations on Enzyme.
it("Modal execute cancel onclick callback succesfully", () =>
var callback = sandbox.spy();
var props = Object.assign({}, getModalProps(), { OnClose: callback })
const wrapper = shallow(<ModalComponent {...props } />);
expect(wrapper.find({ id: '#MySampleID' }));
// Sample to dive through sub components and find by id, simulate the click, and check the callback.
it("Modal execute cancel onclick callback succesfully", () =>
var callback = sandbox.spy();
var props = Object.assign({}, getModalProps(), { OnClose: callback })
const wrapper = shallow(<ModalComponent {...props } />);
expect(callback.calledWith(false)).equals(true, "Confirm click returning true on aborted");
// Sample to test the component state value using wrapper.instance() and use sandbox stub to test actions.
it('Should <RelatedDocumentsModal /> properly handle adding related documents.', () =>
// Pre
var props = Object.assign({}, getProps(), { ShowRelatedDocuments: true, RelatedDocuments: [] });
var wrapper:any = mount(<DocumentModal {...props} />);
var expectedDocumentAction = sandbox.stub(DocumentListActions, 'Dispatch');
var expectSectionAction = sandbox.stub(SectionDocumentActions, 'Dispatch');
// Execute
wrapper.instance().onRelatedDocumentsClose(false); // call the component public function.
// Test
expect(expectedDocumentAction.firstCall.args[0].type).equals('SetFilterStatus', 'Action type not equal to SetFilterStatus.');
expect(expectedDocumentAction.firstCall.args[0].Value.length).equals(0, 'Action value is not empty.');
expect(expectSectionAction.firstCall.args[0].type).equals('SetRelatedDocumentsFromList', 'Action type not equal to SetRelatedDocumentsFromList.');
expect(expectSectionAction.firstCall.args[0].Documents.length).equals(0, 'Action documents not equal to zero.');
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