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Last active August 31, 2016 19:20
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Simple applescript day planner
# Time-related tasks
set plannerMonth to (month of (current date) as text)
set plannerDay to (day of (current date) as text)
set plannerYear to (year of (current date) as text)
# Set up our file paths
# Base paths
set home to get POSIX path of (get path to current user folder) as string
set plannerPath to POSIX path of (home & "planner/")
# Question lists
set plannerQuestionsAM to open for access (home & ".planner-am") without write permission
set plannerQuestionsPM to open for access (home & ".planner-pm") without write permission
# Output file
set plannerDir to POSIX path of (plannerPath & plannerYear & "/" & plannerMonth & "/")
set plannerFile to POSIX path of (plannerDir & plannerDay & ".txt")
# Build our template
set theDate to plannerMonth & " " & ¬
plannerDay & ", " & ¬
plannerYear & linefeed
set lenDate to length of theDate
repeat lenDate times
set theDate to theDate & "=" -- underline the day at the top
end repeat
# Which questions?
# If the file already exists, we're doing wrap-up
# Else, we're starting fresh
# does it exist?
do shell script "cat " & (quoted form of plannerFile) -- will fail if the file does not exist
# It does!
set plannerQuestions to plannerQuestionsPM
set plannerTitle to "Daily Wrap-Up"
do shell script "open " & plannerFile -- display the file for thinkin' about
end try
set plannerFileHandle to open for access plannerFile with write permission
set plannerWriteOffset to (get eof of plannerFileHandle) -- we plan to write the wrap-up to the end of the file
set plannerOutput to linefeed & linefeed
on error errMsg
# It does not! (Bug-ish: assumes you're doing AM and PM on the same machine)
set plannerQuestions to plannerQuestionsAM
set plannerTitle to "Daily Planning"
do shell script "cd ~ && git clone planner" -- automatically restore backed up if exists
on error
do shell script "cd ~/planner && git pull"
end try
do shell script "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of plannerDir) -- we have to create the place to save the file, -p will create whatever needed parts of the path
set plannerFileHandle to open for access plannerFile with write permission
set plannerWriteOffset to 0 -- write starting at the beginning
set plannerOutput to theDate
end try
# Now read our file and ask questions
set plannerQuestions to read plannerQuestions using delimiter linefeed
repeat with planner in plannerQuestions
if length of planner is greater than 0 then
set thisPlanner to linefeed & linefeed & linefeed & planner & linefeed
repeat length of planner times
set thisPlanner to thisPlanner & "-" -- underline the question
end repeat
display dialog ¬
planner with title ¬
plannerTitle default answer linefeed & linefeed & linefeed & linefeed
set thisResult to text returned of result as text
set thisPlanner to thisPlanner & linefeed & thisResult
set plannerOutput to plannerOutput & thisPlanner
end if
end repeat
# We've done it! Write the file!
write plannerOutput to plannerFileHandle starting at plannerWriteOffset
close access plannerFileHandle
# Git is our file storage and backup
do shell script "cd ~/planner && git add . && git commit -am '" & theDate & "' && git push"
# Be nice and show the user their work
tell application "TextEdit"
close (every window whose name is (plannerDay & ".txt"))
delay 1
do shell script "open " & plannerFile
end tell
end try
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