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Last active March 29, 2022 12:58
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Convert a ROOT file to a JSON file when the structure is just a list of TTrees with PyROOT
import argparse
import json
import sys
from ROOT import TTree,TFile
def root_to_dict(in_file):
root_fp = TFile(in_file)
file_kl = root_fp.GetListOfKeys()
rv = {}
for key in file_kl:
c_tree = root_fp.Get(key.GetName())
if not isinstance(c_tree, TTree):
tree_as_list = []
# get leaves info
leaf_info = [(tree_leaf.GetName(), tree_leaf.GetTypeName(), tree_leaf.GetLen(), tree_leaf) for tree_leaf in c_tree.GetListOfLeaves()]
# Iterate through entires
for entry_num in range(c_tree.GetEntries()):
c_entry = {}
# Iterate through leafs
for leaf_name, leaf_type, n_vals, c_leaf in leaf_info:
if leaf_type == "Char_t":
c_entry[leaf_name] = [c_leaf.GetValueString(i) for i in range(n_vals)]
elif leaf_type in ("Int_t", "ULong64_t", "UInt_t", "UShort_t"):
c_entry[leaf_name] = [int(c_leaf.GetValue(i)) for i in range(n_vals)]
elif leaf_type in ("Float_t", "Double_t"):
c_entry[leaf_name] = [c_leaf.GetValue(i) for i in range(n_vals)]
print("Unknown Type, Please Modify to accommodate ", leaf_type)
print("Go to then \
select the specific TLeaf Type that holds this value to see if GetValue() or another function is best at parsing this particular Leaf Type")
rv[c_tree.GetName()] = tree_as_list
return rv
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a ROOT file to a JSON file")
parser.add_argument('filename', help='input root filename')
args = parser.parse_args()
out_dict = root_to_dict(args.filename)
with open(f"{args.filename.replace('.root','')}.json",'w') as fp:
json.dump(out_dict, fp, indent=2)
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