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Last active May 19, 2019 16:45
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  • Save junkangli/253716ed794fbf9dfaef0263916e6cf7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PowerShell script to be used together with Okta AWS CLI Assume Role Tool to use the OKTA_PROFILE parameter configured to set the AWS profile name.
function Update-OktaConfigFile {
$content = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\
$content |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_.ReadCount -eq $MatchLineNumber -or $_.ReadCount -eq $MatchLineNumber+1) {
if ($Uncomment) {
$_ -Replace "#", ""
} else {
"#" + $_
} else {
} | Set-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\
$profile = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter profile name"
$match = Select-String -Path $PSScriptRoot\ -Pattern $profile
Update-OktaConfigFile -Uncomment $true -MatchLineNumber $match.LineNumber
$oktaConfig = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\ -Raw | ConvertFrom-StringData
$oktaProfile = $oktaConfig.OKTA_PROFILE
Write-Host "Setting profile: $oktaProfile" -BackgroundColor black -ForegroundColor green
okta-aws $oktaProfile sts get-caller-identity
Update-OktaConfigFile -Uncomment $false -MatchLineNumber $match.LineNumber
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