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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<header>OECD Better Life Index 2015 World Map (Mercator)</header>
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var width = 940,
height = 580;
var color_group = {
"Estonia": {"color":"#1b9e77", "same": ["Russian Federation"]},
"Russian Federation": {"color":"#1b9e77", "same": ["Estonia"]},
"Hungary": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Slovakia": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Czech Republic": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Poland": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Slovenia": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Portugal": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Greece": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Spain", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Spain": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Ireland", "Italy"]},
"Ireland": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Italy"]},
"Italy": {"color":"#d95f02", "same": ["Hungary", "Slovakia", "Czech Republic", "Poland", "Slovenia", "Portugal", "Greece", "Spain", "Ireland"]},
"Canada": {"color":"#7570b3", "same": ["United States"]},
"United States": {"color":"#7570b3", "same": ["Canada"]},
"Australia": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["New Zealand", "Iceland", "United Kingdom", "Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"]},
"New Zealand": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "Iceland", "United Kingdom", "Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"]},
"Iceland": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "New Zealand", "United Kingdom", "Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"]},
"United Kingdom": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "New Zealand", "Iceland", "Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"]},
"Austria": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "New Zealand", "Iceland", "United Kingdom", "Germany", "Switzerland"]},
"Germany": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "New Zealand", "Iceland", "United Kingdom", "Austria", "Switzerland"]},
"Switzerland": {"color":"#e7298a", "same": ["Australia", "New Zealand", "Iceland", "United Kingdom", "Austria", "Germany"]},
"Belgium": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["France", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"France": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"Netherlands": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Finland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"Finland": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Netherlands", "Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"Norway": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Sweden", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"Sweden": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Norway", "Denmark", "Luxembourg"]},
"Denmark": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Luxembourg"]},
"Luxembourg": {"color":"#66a61e", "same": ["Belgium", "France", "Netherlands", "Finland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark"]},
"Mexico": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Brazil", "Turkey", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Chile", "Israel"]},
"Brazil": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Turkey", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Chile", "Israel"]},
"Turkey": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Brazil", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Chile", "Israel"]},
"Japan": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Brazil", "Turkey", "Republic of Korea", "Chile", "Israel"]},
"Republic of Korea": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Brazil", "Turkey", "Japan", "Chile", "Israel"]},
"Chile": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Brazil", "Turkey", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Israel"]},
"Israel": {"color":"#e6ab02", "same":["Mexico", "Brazil", "Turkey", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Chile"]}
var color = d3.scale.category10();
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
var path = d3.geo.path()
var graticule = d3.geo.graticule();
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d3.json("world.json", function(error, world) {
if (error) throw error;
var countries = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.subunits).features;
.enter().insert("path", ".graticule")
.attr("class", "country")
.attr("d", path)
.attr("id", function(d) {
return "id_" +
.style("fill", function(d, i) {
if ( in color_group) {
return color_group[]['color']
} else {
return "rgba(20,20,20,.2)"}
.on("mouseover", function(d,i){"visibility", "visible");
same_group_list = color_group[]["same"]
same_group_text = ""
for (country in color_group[]["same"]) {
country_name = color_group[]["same"][country]
if (country == same_group_list.length - 1) {
same_group_text = same_group_text + country_name + " in terms of Better Life Index (2015)."
} else {
same_group_text = same_group_text+ country_name + ", "
tooltip.html("<span><strong>""</strong> is in the same group as " + same_group_text +"</span>")
.on("mouseout", function(d,i){
svg.insert("path", ".graticule")
.datum(topojson.mesh(world, world.objects.subunits, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }))
.attr("class", "boundary")
.attr("d", path);
});"height", height + "px");
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'install' ]
2 info using npm@2.11.3
3 info using node@v0.12.7
4 verbose readDependencies loading dependencies from /Users/Jun/Desktop/blocks/mercatomap/package.json
5 error install Couldn't read dependencies
6 verbose stack Error: ENOENT, open '/Users/Jun/Desktop/blocks/mercatomap/package.json'
6 verbose stack at Error (native)
7 verbose cwd /Users/Jun/Desktop/blocks/mercatomap
8 error Darwin 14.4.0
9 error argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install"
10 error node v0.12.7
11 error npm v2.11.3
12 error path /Users/Jun/Desktop/blocks/mercatomap/package.json
13 error code ENOPACKAGEJSON
14 error errno -2
15 error package.json ENOENT, open '/Users/Jun/Desktop/blocks/mercatomap/package.json'
15 error package.json This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
15 error package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory.
16 verbose exit [ -2, true ]
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