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Last active November 21, 2015 16:36
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Given a array consisted of only 0 or 1, and a number N. We have N times to flip 0 to 1 in array. Find the longest continuous 1 after we flipped the N zero elements. Rotation is NOT allowed. For example, 100100111000, n=2, the best flip is 100111111000, return 6 10001101101, n=2, the best flip is 10001111111, return 7
public static int findContinuous1s(String s, int maxFlips){
int[] max = new int[1];
findContinuous1sRec(s, 0, 0, maxFlips, 0, max);
return max[0];
public static void findContinuous1sRec(String s, int start, int current, int maxFlips, int flips, int[] max){
//keep on eating up 1s if we can
while(current<s.length() && s.charAt(current) == '1')
if(current == s.length()){
max[0] = Math.max(max[0], current-start);
//current char is 0
//we can flip and we decide to flip
findContinuous1sRec(s, start, current+1, maxFlips, flips+1, max);
//if we can't flip or we decide to not flip
max[0] = Math.max(max[0], current-start);
//set start = current+1 and continue search
findContinuous1sRec(s, current+1, current+1, maxFlips, flips, max);
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