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Created August 3, 2020 19:45
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class A<out T>(val value: T)
class B<T>(val value: T)
fun <T> doA(a: A<T>, t: T): T = t
fun <T> doB(b: B<T>, t: T): T = t
fun <T> doA2(a: A<T>) = fun (t: T): T = t
init {
// this compiles, because T is inferred to be "Any", because A specifies that T is covariant ("out")
// which triggers a "race to the top" for the broadest possible type
val x1 = doA(A(12), "str")
// to get the behavior that we actually want, whch is to restrict the second parameter based on the first parameter,
// we'd need to ensure T was never covariant
val x2 = doB(B(12), "str")
// but if we can't change the interface (e.g. it's a builtin), we can interrupt the type inference
// by breaking it up into two function calls, e.g. by currying
val x3 = doA2(A(12))("str")
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